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The Submissive Activity Book

Honestly though, this book is very much in keeping with the purpose of this website and I'd recommend it for those of you who want to experience structure and start working towards your perfect self without a Dominant. You will then be able to enter into a relationship with more preparedness and your personal value may be higher.

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A Day in the Life: nan{SL}

This is an entry in the ongoing series where we take a look at one day in the life of submissives and slaves just like you. {nan}SL shares a snapshot of here day here.

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The Ready-Made Submissive

A submissive, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is yielding, obedient, compliant, humble, and modest. I am sure these are all things that you have thought and seen in your own submissiveness. If you have not, then, perhaps it is time. None of those words mean doormat though.

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RACK: The Risk Acceptable Safety Mantra

Understanding the differences of RACK and SSC can help you decide if your preference for activities is more for one mantra or another.

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How I Help Our Finances Without Knowing the Numbers

I don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.

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Is There Love in BDSM Relationships?

What stands out most to me as we approach Valentine's Day is the ways that we have love and romance built right into our relationship system. BDSM relationships can be filled with extraordinary displays of love.

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I Feel Addicted to My Dominant, Is This Normal?

I think of Him constantly almost as if I am addicted to Him, and cannot seem to focus without Him.

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Should I Contact My Deceased Partner's Secret Submissive?

A reader asks if she should contact her deceased partner's secret submissive.

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Submitting when Physically and Emotionally Exhausted

A lot of submissives work demanding jobs and then come home to submit. The challenge is that you are exhausted and need the down time in order to be able to serve.

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That Don't Impress Me Much: Why You Should Not Withhold Your Safeword

If you don't use your safeword, you could be in for more than just an overly sore backside. A safeword is your lifeline and your partner trusts you to use it if you need to. TR shares a personal story where playing with no safewords went wrong.

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