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Exploring Service Motivations: How a Mocktail Made Me Service-Oriented

It is so meaningful—so personal. It is intimate in a way we don’t ordinarily associate with intimacy. Platonic service can be boldly intimate, in a beautiful and profound way.

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Improving Your Submission - Accepting Punishment

Accepting punishment gracefully when you are in a Discipline Dynamic takes practice (but not too much practice!) In this video, you'll learn the steps to making punishment go as smoothly as possible for you.

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Black Titanium Wrist Cuff by Eternity Collars

A critical review of Eternity Collars' Black Titanium Wrist Cuff.

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BDSM Mastery-Relationships by Robert Rubel and M. Jen Fairfield

There is so much pertinent information in this book that I highly suggest not skipping over any of the chapters. If you skip a chapter, there’s a lot you will be missing. After reading this book, I am really looking forward to reading more of Rubel’s work in the future.

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How a Quote about Child-like Blind Faith Taught Me to Submit Completely

Take the time to slowly see submission as a child would. Never questioning the reasoning or results. Embrace it as just the way of it. The Dominance in which you yield is a comfort and you should trust it. Curl up in it at night and know that everything is taken care of if you would just submit.

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The Internal and External Struggles of a Submissive

Submission definitely isn't easy. No matter what direction your journey takes you will have moments where struggle and strife challenge you to continue your submission.

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Just How Much Trust do YOU Have?

Trust is a big factor in all relationships. I would even go as far to say that trust is an even bigger factor in D/s and M/s relationships than most others, but I could be wrong. How do you know when you really trust someone?

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Your Right to Choose-Feminism and the Lifestyle

I know that being a feminist means different things to different people. To me, feminism has always been about having the right to choose to lead the kind of life that I want to.

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Define Love - Submissive Meditation Monday

Love wants to permeate you in every way. Let it.

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The Checks and Balances in Power Exchange

Being a smart, capable woman whose self-awareness has led her to identify wholly as a slave, I have set up some checks and balances in my life that help me feel comfortable pushing myself further in my Power Exchange dynamic.

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