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Emotional Moderation in Submission: Choose Your Emotions Wisely

As submissives, we are expected to express a modicum of restraint, most often in regards to our words and actions. Frequently, we do this to align ourselves with the expectations of the dominants who care for us. I propose that while it is admirable to used restraint and moderation in our words and actions, it is even more important to exercise moderation in our thoughts and feelings.

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How do I show my submissiveness long distance?

My question is, how can I show him (aside from simply following the rules) that this is who I am. He knows that my nature is submissive. He has commented on it many times. but is there a way in a LDR to show the submissiveness I feel?

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A Non-Romantic BDSM Relationship, Is It Wise?

Do you think it is wise to approach D/s as a non-romantic exchange, or am I just fooling myself? Do you have any advice on how I can remain focused in this kind of arrangement?

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Serving and Submission after an Abusive History

Having been in the lifestyle for almost two years now, one of the things that I have noticed is that I am facing a lot of issues due to abuse from my past. Not from any Dominant in the lifestyle, just from others in my past. I've learned enough that if you have similar past experiences, I'd like to share some of it with you.

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On Being Worthless: Consensual Humiliation and Slut Training

Hearing a term like "worthless" can often be an emotional experience. However, in the context in which I use the term, "worthless," to describe myself in my place as Master's slave, it has a very different feel. In this context, "worthless" does not mean that I am unvalued, or that I do not matter to Master.

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5 Ways to Make Long Distance Relationships Work For You

Long-distance relationships (LDR) of any sort have always had negative press reviews and I'm sure all of us have heard the, "they never work" response at some point in time. Lifestyle LDR has even more negative connotations as people harp on the inability to fully submit/dominate from a distance. I'm here to tell you that they can work. They have worked. You just have to make it work. Anything worth having is never easy to achieve and both parties have to really want it.

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Are You A Reflection of Your Dominant?

Kind, good-intentioned people say that submissives should be on their best behavior because they are the reflection of the Dominant who owns them. The personal responsibility of the submissive is all of a sudden not taken into account.

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When Kids Find Your Sex Toys - A Story

In this lifestyle, if you are living it, you take your chances with kids seeing or sensing things. And you learn to be careful and private too. But prepare yourself for the possibility of being outed. It can happen no matter how careful you are.

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Self-Esteem/Grooming Series Concludes: Accepting Comments and Compliments

Simply put, our ability to graciously accept compliments, and to positively disregard negative comments, can tailor the way that people interact with us.

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