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Define This: BDSM Switch

In this video series, I define terms that readers have asked me about! This one is about the BDSM Switch. Do you have a term you'd like defined? Let me know.

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Beyond the Kink Buffet: When You’re Ready for a Lifetime Partner

Perhaps you have reached that point where casual, noncommittal involvement no longer addresses your needs. There is a growing desire for one strong relationship, with someone who will know everything about you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It is a terrifying prospect.

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5 Myths About Submissives and Submission

Let’s talk about the different myths surrounding submissives and submission. Some may surprise you.

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How To Meet Your Perfect Dominant?

Finding your One isn't easy and your longing to finally use your submission with someone that understands and values it can be overpowering. I've been so desperate that I overlooked some very important safety aspects of meeting someone new. Hopefully, you won't make the same mistakes I did.

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Is It Submission If You Like What You're Doing?

Over on, kaya asked about submission and what qualifies it as submission. She asked, "if you are not expected to do things that you don't like, can it be submission?" Can activities that you would do normally become submission just by someone telling you to do them, or being directed to perform them?

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What NOT to Share on Your Online Profile

We all have one somewhere. FetLife being all the rage right now, but also we have,,, and others where we place ads and identity profiles up to get people interested. This interest can be friends or relationship related; it doesn't matter. What does matter is what we broadcast to everyone that happens across our profiles? You need to keep some things secure and really consider what's necessary to put out into the World Wide Web.

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I Don't Want to Complain Too Much

Your concerns to not want to appear to complain overly much are valid, but in many established D/s relationships it’s not your right to withhold information, no matter how trivial with your partner.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship - Honesty is Really the Best Policy

Once I started delving into the realm of BDSM, I learned that honesty is a key factor in having a successful M/s or D/s relationship. Because of the different levels of intensity that can be factored into a lifestyle based relationship, one not only has to be completely honest with their partner but with themselves as well.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Use Calendars to Make Routine Maintenance Reminders

Use Google Calendar to set reminders to do tasks, chores and home maintenance.

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The Importance of Being Authentic

It’s so important as an s-type to be authentic. If you want to submit, if you want to serve, those desires have to come from the heart. I know it’s not always easy to be as authentic as we would like, but it’s something we must keep striving for.

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