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Conquer Me

By far this is one of the better books on submission I've read in recent memory. I strongly urge you to get a copy of your own!

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How You Can Help Your Partner Become More Dominant

I've always been the strongest one in my relationships. He isn't weak, but very calm and he has always set me "free"...too much, if I have to say the truth. I hope it makes sense...he's understanding, we are talking about it a lot...but I need some extra advice. I don't want to confuse him even more...

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36 Ten Minute Meals For When Time Is Short

Time is not always our friend more so if you work outside of your Tops home and have chores to do upon returning home from work, needing to make time to cook dinner as well. It then becomes the question of how to make real food, real fast.

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Are You A Reflection of Your Dominant?

Kind, good-intentioned people say that submissives should be on their best behavior because they are the reflection of the Dominant who owns them. The personal responsibility of the submissive is all of a sudden not taken into account.

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Struggling to Find Balance in a Stressful Life

How do we as submissives juggle our personal lives and the lives of the one’s we serve? That’s a very good question indeed. It’s important to identify one’s needs and wants before venturing on that road. How does one do that?

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Why Confidence is Important to Submission

There was a point of time where I found myself wondering why having confidence as a slave or submissive is important.

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You're Not the Boss of Me! Empowerment Through Submission

Even though I am not currently in a D/s relationship, it’s important for me to always remember that I don’t have to submit to anyone.

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Stress and Santa: Managing Stressful Situations Around the Holidays

It is important to have a game plan for dealing with stressful Holiday situations before they arise.

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Stop Serving Yourself: An Inspirational Un-Collaring Ceremony

When we find ourselves holding back, we need to take a lesson from jenn and uncollar ourselves from whatever is going on and put our focus on what matters the most.

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Learn to Speak Up and Speak Out: Empowering Yourself to Have a Voice

But asking for what I want and raising concerns to him is topping from the bottom! No, no it's not. You do, in fact, have to tell them what you are thinking and feeling.

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