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Living M/s

Seriously people, if you want to read about a real couple living as Master and slave and doing so successfully, happily and well then you definitely want to pick this one up.

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Applying mentoring to a BDSM context a mentor is someone that guides and advises a newbie on what to expect, things they might want learn and other items. I believe a mentor should be on the same level as you. There are many opinions out there, but common sense advice can be found in the following series of articles about mentors.

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How To Use Mind Mapping To Pinpoint Your Ideal Submission

There are 3 things I'd like to focus on in this post. What your ideal relationship is, the structure you'd like to have and the level of protocol you dream of having. This works for kinky bedroom relationships and also full-time dynamics. Get out pen and paper because what we are going to do is make a map of our ideal relationship.

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Sub Space: The Ultimate Frontier for BDSM Play

Subspace is a mental and physical response to the high levels of endorphins produced during play. It can manifest in many different ways and no one subspace is the same as another.

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Finding Domesticity In You

Chores just happen to be the reality of a submissive sometimes

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Understanding Your Body's Responses During Play

When you engage in playtime with a Dominant your body is the canvas for sensation and pleasure. You can run the gamut of emotions and many of them can take you by surprise. It's not uncommon even for someone who plays regularly to be shocked by a new reaction to a play activity that they have experienced before. This goes beyond the bruising, scratching and other physical results of play. Here are just a few of the more common reactions to play.

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Overcoming Frustration and Anger as a Submissive

Frustration is a normal human response. It can get out of hand and escalate to anger if not handled well. As submissives, we seem to deal with frustration more openly than others in the lifestyle.

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You Can Not Make Someone Be a Dominant

You can't make someone be a Dominant. You can, however, awaken latent dominance or kink that they may have in their fantasies.

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Are Dominants Supposed to Act This Way?

Kayla helps a troubled submissive in an abusive relationship.

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