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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 351 to 360 of 1502.

After "Red" : How to Manage the Aftermath When You've Used Your Safeword

You should never fear using your safeword. There are ways to deal with the guilt, disappointment, fear, sense of failure for using your safeword and the failing to use your safeword at all that many of us feel at one time or another.

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Add Your Favorite BDSM Books Reading List to Your Submissive Training Resume

The importance of this list is not only to show a potential Dominant that you are well read, but that you have a personal desire to work on improving yourself, learning a wide range of viewpoints and opinions and learn about BDSM activities of all sorts.

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Establishing a Safe, Trusting Environment for Talk

Let's cover what a safe environment looks like from the people present at the physical location you choose to talk in. A good environment takes planning and mutual agreements to work the way it's supposed to. And you thought that you just had to say, "We need to talk," right?

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Virgins Can Love BDSM Too: How Sexual Preference Doesn't Have to Involve Sex

I'm here to say that you can be interested in BDSM even if you've never done it yet. That's because I believe that just like your sexual preference to be with guys or girls is born not bred, your sexual predilection to BDSM activities is part of who you are.

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Everything I Know About Submission I Learned from my Cat

The other day I was watching my cats and had a sudden realization that they way they live could have lessons for me and my submission if I wanted to see them. The truth is that you can pick up lessons everywhere you look if you want to.

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Recapturing Common Sense

All novice submissives have a moment where a lapse in judgment can happen. No one is impervious to the lures of desire and dark needs. When offered a chance to experiment or explore our new-found desires we overlook that most important instinct - our gut instinct.

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Do You Make These Mistakes? Avoid Outing a Fellow BDSM Lifestyler

There is one rule that breaking it is considered a cardinal sin in the world of BDSM-outing a fellow lifestyler. Doing such can have life changing effects on their vanilla life and the kinky life of the person who does the outing.

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Preparing for Time When Your Dominant is Away

Whether it be for a job or a family crisis, military service or a holiday there might be a time in your submission where your partner must be away from you for a time and might not be able to communicate as often as you'd like.

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M/s and When Life Happens: Dealing With Health Challenges and Death

Illness and grief don't have to be an experience that leaves the soul crushed and defeated, helping others hold on to the silver lining and lean into the light at the end of the tunnel no matter how bleak circumstances may seem.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Role Play? Try Medical Play!

A great way to push the envelope in role play is by trying out medical play. Medical play lends itself so easily to BDSM. You can include bondage (stirrups, anybody?), massively amplify power roles (doctor taking advantage of patient is so taboo), and include new elements of sado-masochistic play.

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