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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 331 to 340 of 1502.

Solo-Coaching - Three Types of Values and How to Figure Out What’s Significant to Your Life

Today we’re going to talk about your values. These are the things that create a priority in your life, from what you believe in, to what causes you’ll fight for, your political leanings and how you feel about various causes you support. Values help you navigate your life and fine-tune the direction for where you’re headed.

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Anal Play: Beginner to Stretch in No Time

Rayne gives some excellent tips for those of you just starting out with anal play. Take her personal journey to the heart and keep the lube bottle nearby. Butt play can be so erotic and fun. Lift the veil and the fear to give it a try!

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What You Should Know About Safewords

BDSM play can be risky, does bring about the potential for uncomfortable situations, raises physical limitations or triggers mental or emotional walls to come crashing down. In any of these instances, it would be very helpful to have a way to alert the dominant. Safewords are a verbal security blanket.

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A Skill Every Novice Submissive Needs to Master: Guilt Resolution from Mistakes and Punishment

Everyone at one time or another is going to go through moments of guilt. Submissives may have added self-guilt when you break a rule, or upset your Dominant. These things are going to happen as you develop and grow in your role and your life. It's hard to believe but no one is perfect.

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How to Revive Your Service When Protocol Becomes Boring

The pleasure I felt wasn't just sexual it was like a part of my soul was finally being satisfied. It didn't last. After a few months, I started to feel less happy about my protocol. It felt less like bliss and more like a chore. I had lost the attachment to WHY the protocol was in place, to begin with; the reminder of my place in the relationship. The honeymoon period was over. Things got really rocky in our relationship because the effort involved in doing the protocol got more and more difficult for me, and the stress he experienced was just as bad.

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A Day in the Life: nan{SL}

This is an entry in the ongoing series where we take a look at one day in the life of submissives and slaves just like you. {nan}SL shares a snapshot of here day here.

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A Slave's Longing - Not Quite Frenzy

A longing is not a frenzy, though it's quite possible that the feeling of yearning can lead to a frenzy. But what I feel in the moments when I experience a deep longing for what isn't there is a mixture of emotions

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Micromanagement and Macromanagement: What's the Difference?

Like everything in life, there are pros and cons to both types of management styles and I want to share some of those with you now.

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Coming Out As Kinky: Food for Thought

I am glad to help reduce the stigma surrounding kink. If you are considering coming out kinky, give this article a read.

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Submission Isn't Easy-Nor for Your Convenience

How hard is it to do something that your dominant, the one person you love and trust completely, has asked that you don’t want to do? Tequilarose shares her thoughts on the sometimes struggle to submit.

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