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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 321 to 330 of 1502.

Submissive and Slave: A Personal View

Some say the difference between a submissive and a slave has nothing whatever to do with how much control one gives up or how submissive one is. That it's in one's actions. In the way the slave obeys without question or hesitation. In the respect in the slave's voice when he or she speaks with his or her owner. In the way the slave knows what the owner needs almost before the owner does. But I've known some submissives to show their dominants more respect than some slaves show their owners.

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Beginning Domestic Service: Basic Knitting Tips and Tutorials

Once considered old ladies' busy work, I'm here to try to bring a comeback to knitting. With knitting you can provide items for the home that will not only last longer but usually work better and are far cheaper (in the long run). Knitting can be a peaceful time full of introspection while you create and craft.

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Is Monogamy a Dying Trend? The Rise of Poly in BDSM Relationships

On a few sites I frequent I have been getting an impression recently that poly relationships and playing with others outside your primary relationship are not only accepted but expected. I'm uncomfortable with this way of thinking.

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Perspectives: Flogging

Flogging remains one of my favorite activities and KnyghtMare is pretty good with one or two floggers (Florentine-style), and he teaches it in classes in the area. As with the other Perspectives posts I wanted to share with you how it feels for a submissive to be the receiver of a flogging.

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Domestic Challenge of the Day - Cooking for a Picky Dominant

Do you have a Dominant that you are finding hard to please both of your palettes? Then you aren't alone. One of the most common differences in partnerships is food preferences and people's opinions about foods. I've come up with ways to work around the limits placed on me when I cook and I thought I'd share a few of them here.

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How to Move On When The D/s Relationship Ends

Just how does one know how to move on after a relationship has come to an end, regardless of the reasons behind it? That is sometimes a confusing question for submissives to answer for themselves. Often a submissive will feel lost and all alone, as if they feel that no one will understand what they are going through

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How To Approach Female Dominants on FetLife

How is anyone ever able to build up a positive relationship with a Domme on sites like Fetlife?

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I'm Confused. He Wants to "Just Be Friends" While Ex is Visiting

Last week, he wanted to back off and just be friends. An ex is supposedly moving in with him temporarily and he doesn't want to have an outside personal life and phone calls at the same time. I'm confused!

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The 100/100 Rule: Why TPE Succeeds

50/50 isn't the balance of a TPE relationship. Each role gives 100%.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Spanking? Try Flogging

Spanking is another starting point for many people entering the BDSM arena because it is so simple (seeming) and if using your hand pretty difficult to spank your way to injury. Flogging is one of the most standard of BDSM impact tools and a great next step for those looking to take things to the next level.

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