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Financial Control in D/s Relationships

There are many different aspects to financial domination, maybe as many as there are D/s relationships. There is a chance that at some point the issue of financial domination will come up between you and your Dominant. If and when this happens, here is some practical advice.

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Self-esteem relates to how you feel about yourself, whether you like yourself. You are worth it. No matter what sort of submissive you are, you have potential to excel in everything you put your mind to. Now then.. how does one improve their self-esteem?

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Massage as Ritual

It can be a hand rub, a back rub or a full body massage. The ritual part is that it's done regularly and with reverence to the act. It becomes a special moment in time for you and your partner. You get to absorb yourself in your service and they get to receive a relaxing massage.

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Why Identifying Your Wants and Needs is So Important as a Novice Submissive

Understanding your needs and how important certain ones in your life is a key component to finally reaching happiness and fulfillment.

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5 Types of Naughty Talk To Enhance Your Sexual Experiences

Not everyone is comfortable with naughty talk in all 5 categories, but I bet you can find at least one where you can sink your teeth into and really get your motor going - or at least your partners senses.

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Ideas for Discreet Punishment

He's hesitant to continue the discussion on rules he would like for me to follow due to the fact that punishment for these rules would be hard due to lack of privacy. Any suggestions about discreet punishments?

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The Day I Stopped Rejecting Compliments and Learned to Love Myself

How can someone accept their body and learn to love the way their partner looks at them, touches them and takes pleasure in their nudity? I learned to accept compliments.

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A Personal Story About Discovering and Testing Limits

Discovering limits is almost as innocuous and confusing as exploring the kinks and fetishes we do want to play with.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: FLYing with

Flylady can help you learn how to make cleaning a fun routine! Get dressed to your shoes and shine your sink, just to get started on the way.

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Submitting when Physically and Emotionally Exhausted

A lot of submissives work demanding jobs and then come home to submit. The challenge is that you are exhausted and need the down time in order to be able to serve.

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