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BDSM and Parenting

Here’s the bottom line. Yes, you can be kinky and be a parent. Yes, you can be a 24/7 submissive and still be a parent. It’s all about what you let your children see and how you explain the things they may hear or see that you were trying to hide.

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3 Challenges of Having Rules in a D/s Relationship

Three challenges that come about after rules are selected and you are practicing them or have had them for a long time.

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Improving Your Submission - Accepting Punishment

Accepting punishment gracefully when you are in a Discipline Dynamic takes practice (but not too much practice!) In this video, you'll learn the steps to making punishment go as smoothly as possible for you.

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The Surrendered Wife

Not all of the suggestions would work towards a D/s relationship, but as with everything you read, it's best to take what you can and leave the rest. A book can only be as good as what you get out of it, so for that reason, I'd have to give it a relatively low rating in comparison to D/s oriented books as far as helpfulness is concerned.

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Add Your Favorite BDSM Books Reading List to Your Submissive Training Resume

The importance of this list is not only to show a potential Dominant that you are well read, but that you have a personal desire to work on improving yourself, learning a wide range of viewpoints and opinions and learn about BDSM activities of all sorts.

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The Ins and Outs of Fetishes

A fetish is a sexual attachment to an inanimate object of body part. In many cases the fetishist can no achieve an erection or orgasm without the object being present or an active part in the act. This is not limited to men, so don't get my use of words turned around. Women also can develop fetishes.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 3 - Testosterone

Peel back the reasons behind being obstinate and competitive and generally you end up with a whole lot of testosterone.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 4 - Endorphins

How are Endorphins related to play? Here's how Endorphins give you that happy pain blocking effect as well as euphoria.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Pre-Planning For Quick and Easy, Last Minute and "I Don't Know What To Cook" Days

Here's a list of easy to assemble, last-minute meals from things you might already have in your pantry!

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How To Navigate Public BDSM Play as a Transgender Person

Do what makes you feel most comfortable, and you’ll be doing it “right.”

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