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Emotional Moderation in Submission: Choose Your Emotions Wisely

As submissives, we are expected to express a modicum of restraint, most often in regards to our words and actions. Frequently, we do this to align ourselves with the expectations of the dominants who care for us. I propose that while it is admirable to used restraint and moderation in our words and actions, it is even more important to exercise moderation in our thoughts and feelings.

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Book Review: Beyond Obedience: For all who are called to Mastery, Ownership, slavery, surrender & service

The essays and original writings in this book expand more on SlaveMaster’s and slave 7’s beliefs of being a Born Slave as well as topics of authenticity, the ego of the slave, freedom in slavery as well as several more topics that would take too long for me to name. Each topic offers viewpoints from SlaveMaster and slave 7, which makes this a great book to be read no matter what side of the slash you find yourself on.

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Review: The Big Workbook for Submissives

If you are looking for some guidance and enjoy self reflection, this workbook could be the perfect resource for you. If you enjoy journal prompts or questions that require you to delve deep into yourself, this book has what you need to do just that.

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The Importance of Self-Acceptance When You Are a Little

It’s hard not to internalize the negative messages from people who don’t understand the ageplay dynamic. But you can learn to accept who you are and come out stronger. I’ll give you my own story and some words of encouragement for you to build from. Accept who you are.

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Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are still relationships that require a different approach to develop the same connection and intimacy. Sure, the physical contact is far less than a face to face relationship but for some people, a long distance relationship is a smart first step or only step if you are unable to explore BDSM in any other way.

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Conquer Me

By far this is one of the better books on submission I've read in recent memory. I strongly urge you to get a copy of your own!

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How To Get the Spanking You Want

Overall, I think it's a decent book for someone who needs a way to share their spanking secret with their partner in hopes of finding a spanking partner in them. If you would like help talking to your partner about your spanking interests, get this book.

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Tips on How to Attend a BDSM Convention on a Budget

It’s no secret that these conventions can get costly so I wanted to put together some tips for you to use to help you save a bit of money and still enjoy the event to its fullest.

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Ornamental Value: A Reflection on My Submissive Style

Living with my Dom for a longer period of time has allowed us to develop some rough routines and expectations that we’ll continue to develop as time progresses, and these have begun to help me form answers to the questions that I’ve been asking on and off from the beginning of my submission.

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Sample Master/slave Contract with Ethical Non-Monogamy Section

A sample D/s contract that also includes a non-monogamy section. Feel free to copy, edit and use this one for creating your own relationship contact.

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