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BDSM Conventions: There’s a Con for Kinky People Too!

Ever wanted to attend a convention where kink is the focus? Well, you can! BDSM conventions happen all over the world and it’s likely there’s one not too far from you! Let’s find out happens at one.

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Your Responsibilities As A Submissive Go Beyond 'Obedience'

If all we have for responsibility is to be obedient then we are getting the easy job. And that’s just not the way I see submission. There is no power exchange if you just have to obey commands.

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Spanking for Lovers by Janet Hardy

Whether as just a spanko or as part of a power exchange relationship, this is a great book for all parties involved to check out. Janet Hardy knows her stuff and you can tell that her knowledge is from years of experience on both sides of the paddle.

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The Impact of Pregnancy on Submission: Service and Play

When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that crossed my mind was "oh no! How will my service be affected? How will my ability to be pleasing in bed and in kink be affected?" I was surprised when (at least for the first few months) that the answer was "It was not affected at all."

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Free Fall Cleaning Lists

danae of put together free downloadable and printable Fall cleaning lists

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Pain Play Discussed Online - Explore The Variety of Views

Some of the best online reading on the topic. Browse the list, watch the videos and learn more about pain play.

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Road Trip: Taking your D/s Relationship to Fantastic Las Vegas!

While I think you can probably have a wonderfully kinky vacation just about anywhere, Las Vegas has some very important benefits.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 2 - Oxytocin

Meet Oxytocin, the human bonding hormone, and natural relationship superglue.

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Everything That's Wrong with Your BDSM Limits List - And How To Fix It

Most of us have problems with really making the limit list a full picture of what your boundaries are and tend to stick with play activities.

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Being Fully Present: Slowing Down to Live in the Moment

To be fully present in the moment, not thinking about what is next. What a gift I can give to my Dominant - my full and undivided attention in every moment and to be more in tune with His needs.

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