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Content related to "Financial Control in D/s Relationships"


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Grappling with Tradition and History to Define 24/7 Long Term D/s Relationships

Not so simply, it usually means the desire for lifetime commitment or a relationship with many or most of the same attributes that are familiar to all of us in its vanilla counterpart - the marriage.

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How to Use the "30 Days" Memes Effectively to Maximize Submissive Growth

What if I were to tell you that you could learn a lot more about yourself by asking one simple question after you answer these? Sure it means more work, but the thoughts and understanding that you could gain from playing a game or meme to the fullest could have some personal benefit. And who wouldn't want to expand and grow in submission?

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Letting Go of the Bank Account - Submitting to Financial Control

Personally, I am not a very organized person and on top of that I'm lousy with numbers, always was, even in elementary school. If my check book was ever going to be balanced accordingly, someone else was just going to have to do it! Fortunately for my check book and I, my Dominant is better organized and more patient with a calculator, and even more fortunate for us he's very good at it.

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Male Submission – The Worm

One common archetype of submissive men is the worm, a man who wants to be humiliated, degraded, and tormented as much as possible by most any and every dominant woman he encounters. Depending upon the male sub’s orientation, he may want to be treated this way by only dominant women, only dominant men, or regardless of gender.

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Male submission – Financial Domination

There are several different types of Financial Domination, including dynamics which do not involve the dominant receiving any money whatsoever. This is often not understood when some people rail against Financial Domination as a legitimate kink.

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30 Days of Submission: Day 12 - Financial Submission

Do you include financial submission within the definition of your own submission and if yes, how does it manifest itself?

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Thoughts on Isolation and Feeling Alone

The more isolated I am, the more isolated I want to be. The more I rely on Master to satisfy any needs I have, the less I want anyone or anything to interfere with that.

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How I Help Our Finances Without Knowing the Numbers

I don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.

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Stress and Santa: Managing Stressful Situations Around the Holidays

It is important to have a game plan for dealing with stressful Holiday situations before they arise.

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Thinking About Financial Dependency in Your D/s Dynamic?

If you’re currently thinking about becoming financially dependent on your Dom, kallista shares her thoughts on the subject and how it can impact more than your relationship. Learn the risks.

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