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A Skill Every Novice Submissive Needs to Master: Guilt Resolution from Mistakes and Punishment

Everyone at one time or another is going to go through moments of guilt. Submissives may have added self-guilt when you break a rule, or upset your Dominant. These things are going to happen as you develop and grow in your role and your life. It's hard to believe but no one is perfect.

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How To Overcome The Outside Forces That Stress Us

You will find these annoyances everywhere; anything outside of the relationship that causes undue tension within a pairing, they can be vanilla or lifestyle, major or minor issues, overt or subtle.

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Kneeling Feels Absurd, How Do I Get Over It?

I find it utterly ridiculous to get on my knees and kneel in the middle of his bedroom every time we enter it. It's awkward and uncomfortable. How do I get over this mindset?

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Never Say Never: Overcoming Hard Limits

When absolute trust is present, and the dominant is interested and experienced in helping to overcome fears and phobias, working through hard limits can be very empowering.

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Do You Make These Mistakes? Avoid Outing a Fellow BDSM Lifestyler

There is one rule that breaking it is considered a cardinal sin in the world of BDSM-outing a fellow lifestyler. Doing such can have life changing effects on their vanilla life and the kinky life of the person who does the outing.

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How Do I Know If I Can I Make it In This Lifestyle?

Please help because we have a one of a kind love for each other that I don’t want to lose but the constant power struggle between us is exhausting. I want to come to a compromise that we’re both happy with.

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Always Getting in Trouble - Submissive Meditation Monday

It seems that no matter how long you've been doing this thing we call submission, there are times of rebellion, confusion, frustration and just not getting it right.

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Entering the Community: The Different Ways to Socialize with Local Kinksters

Play parties aren't the only way to meet and socialize with other kinky people. Take a look at the shortlist of other ways you can meet up and make friends!

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New to BDSM and Sexual Experience

Can a virgin with no sexual experience be a sub?

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Trying to Make a Poly Relationship Work

All three of you will have to communicate open and honestly about what you want and what you need. You’ll all need to have an understanding of what your relationship is and what it isn’t. You’ll have to negotiate the specifics of what works and what doesn’t so that you’re all comfortable.

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