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D/s Breakups

The breakup of a relationship is a difficult time for those involved. It is fraught with emotion and frustration. It makes it even more painful when the lines of trust are cemented like those in a D/s relationship. Likened to going through a period of grief you are sure to experience an array of feelings that can vary from fear, anger, rage, and denial. Seek comfort and help in the following articles.

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BDSM and Parenting

Here’s the bottom line. Yes, you can be kinky and be a parent. Yes, you can be a 24/7 submissive and still be a parent. It’s all about what you let your children see and how you explain the things they may hear or see that you were trying to hide.

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Creating a Personal Submissive Protocol

A personal protocol helps to organize your life and help you reach your goals. It's built with a checks and balances system so that you stay on track. I would like to encourage you to consider developing some personal protocols of your own.

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Initiating a Discussion About BDSM Interest with a Vanilla Partner: Part 2- My Partner is Not Interested

What do you do if your partner isn’t particularly interested? There are two types of this situation: A) your partner is not interested but seems willing to take part in some way though only as a way to give you some of what you need and B) your partner is not interested in participating.

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Single in the Scene Part II: Service

As we apply the term service to hierarchical relationships, it’s really simple: what the Owner requires or needs. Those things that make the Owner’s life easier, more comfortable, and more joyous (at the very least).

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Single in the Scene Part IV: Petitioning

Petitioning is an acknowledgment of structure and formality; it is definitely a humbling experience for a slave. It is also a way for a slave to solidly express their desires – no hemming and hawing, no beating around the bush, just a determined statement of the desire.

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Keys to a Successful Relationship - Honesty is Really the Best Policy

Once I started delving into the realm of BDSM, I learned that honesty is a key factor in having a successful M/s or D/s relationship. Because of the different levels of intensity that can be factored into a lifestyle based relationship, one not only has to be completely honest with their partner but with themselves as well.

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Understanding Vocal and Nonvocal Safe Words for Safe Play

When the intensity of activities go up it's not uncommon for tops and bottoms alike to lose the ability to communicate clearly. So, something developed to help us is safewords.

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How to Tell When That Online Training Dom is a Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

While it's a small few, there are people who can threaten your sense of trust and your own emotions. These are the wolves of the online D/s world.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 24 – Scene Reports: How they can Empower Your Playtime

A scene report is a written account of the who, what, when, where, why's of playtime. Explore why you might want to keep track of the scenes you've been in through journaling.

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