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Content related to "Start Here: New to BDSM Pack"


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Remember Who You Are - Staying True to Yourself in a D/s Relationship

No matter what kind of relationship you are in or what kind of dynamic you have going on within that relationship, it is extremely important that you have your own sense of self and not get completely wrapped up in being a part of a couple. There is so much more to you than just being a s-type and being involved in a relationship.

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The Time Between Knots: Changing Our Perspectives on Rope Bondage

After a few months of "bonding" over rope bondage, though, I'm pretty convinced it's a whole different animal. Perhaps there is something to be gained from regarding it as such.

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Wants and Needs

Wants and needs are very important to any relationship. When you start to understand who you are as a submissive, it’s time to figure out what you are looking for in a relationship. The difference between wants and needs can be answered in one basic question. Is this something you can live without?

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Let’s Party! Finding Local Play Parties

Parties are a ‘rite of passage’ for some in the BDSM community. How do you find one? What can you expect? And most importantly (for me) what on earth can you wear?

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You Tattooed What on Your Ass? - Rational Thinking about Relationship Tattoos

We have to live with ourselves and understand that being in the lifestyle doesn't make us dumb or up for anything anyone wants us to do. We have outside lives, families and jobs that we have to show up for. So when thinking about that slave tattoo, slut on your right butt cheek or a dildo wrapped around your leg tattoo remember how do you want to represent yourself to the world.

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A Safe Call Could Save Your Life: How to Set It Up

A safe call is something that you may never need to use but should be there anyway. Like car insurance. It's there in the case of an accident. It's not like you plan on getting into an accident so you get insurance. It's the other way around. A safe call is your backup plan, your safety net. In fact, it could very well save your life. Are you in good hands?

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How I Balance Independence and Submission

You can most certainly be independent and submissive. Just be sure that you’re honest about what you want in your submission.

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Ornamental Value: A Reflection on My Submissive Style

Living with my Dom for a longer period of time has allowed us to develop some rough routines and expectations that we’ll continue to develop as time progresses, and these have begun to help me form answers to the questions that I’ve been asking on and off from the beginning of my submission.

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Advanced Orgasm Control Techniques

Once you have control over the orgasm by needing that trigger from the Dominant you can start to move the sensation from being derived in the genitals to the genitals and something else.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Service-based Play? Try Serving Others

If it pleases you like it pleases me to serve your Partner, consider adding service based play that involves other consenting parties. Adding things like hosting parties, formal tea parties or D/s dinners can make you feel good about offering your service.

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