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The Time Between Knots: Changing Our Perspectives on Rope Bondage

After a few months of "bonding" over rope bondage, though, I'm pretty convinced it's a whole different animal. Perhaps there is something to be gained from regarding it as such.

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What is a Submissive Mentor?

A mentor is a counselor and adviser for newcomers. Mentors usually provide an experienced view of the area being explored by the new person. They can provide training and teach the proper way that things should be done so that cautious movements become confidence.

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A Non-Romantic BDSM Relationship, Is It Wise?

Do you think it is wise to approach D/s as a non-romantic exchange, or am I just fooling myself? Do you have any advice on how I can remain focused in this kind of arrangement?

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Reminder: Asking For What You Want Is Not Overstepping Your Place

As a part of my development Master trained me to be transparent with my feelings and wants and needs. This included the very things that I wanted or needed that I thought he should be deciding on. If I wanted to go to the store for something I had to learn to ask him for it. If I wanted a kiss or attention, or if I wanted sex; I had to learn to ask for it. There are ways to ask for something that doesn't seem demanding or controlling and I had to work on learning these traits to a request.

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The Many Faces of Submission

What I'm about to lay out for you is not the only way these terms can be described but it is a good measure for the novice and open to your interpretation. No one way to serve is better than another in this list. Remember that not matter where we are on the mountainous journey, the goal is the same. Surrender.

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How to Use Playtime Check Ins Wisely

Whether you are playing with your partner or someone new, learning how to give good information during a check in is vital to your enjoyment and comfort. I am going to explain what a check in might look or sound like and what information to provide that will be best received and used.

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What Makes a Good Dominant?

I think there are a few characteristics that may exist in common, a lot of which are often found in a good 'normal' relationship too!

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What's My Age Again? Being Little and Growing Older

There are days where my biological age kinda screws with my little age. This is something that all littles go through.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service

I'd like to be a part of giving submissives a boost (or a kick in the butt) and hopefully, in the process give them motivation (and practical know how) to get their home and life more in order and reaching their service potential.

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BDSM and Kids: Can You Be a Parent and a Kinkster?

Yes, you can be a parent and a kinkster at the same time. Let’s debunk some of the things people believe about why you can’t be both.

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