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Beyond the Kink Buffet: When You’re Ready for a Lifetime Partner

Perhaps you have reached that point where casual, noncommittal involvement no longer addresses your needs. There is a growing desire for one strong relationship, with someone who will know everything about you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It is a terrifying prospect.

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The Real Meaning Behind Service and Serving as a Submissive

Service is any activity or function that you fill to make your dominant partner's life easier. This could be as simple as preparing their coffee, laying out their clothes for them or performing domestic chores. Yes, it does include the play and sex aspects of some relationships, but not all of them are wired this way.

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Finding Balance in Your D/s Dynamic (and Your Life!)

Balance is mostly about feeling fulfilled but not overwhelmed. It feels like the dynamic can live in harmony with the other aspects of daily life. How that is achieved will vary based on the wishes of those involved in the dynamic.

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Death and Grief

Death. It is going to happen to all of us. It’s a natural part of life. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy or that we’re fully prepared. Here’s a short collection of articles to help you through preparations and the grief process itself.

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5 Types of Power Exchange Relationships

We can however, put every relationship into 5 different relationship types. I'm sure there are more, but for the purpose of this essay, I will be covering the 5 types that I can see in this life. This is not the only way to look at and describe relationships, but it is a good beginning. I am not a relationship expert and what I am writing about is my own observations. If you feel that another definition fits your idea of each relationship type, then by all means, please use your own.

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Never Say Never: Overcoming Hard Limits

When absolute trust is present, and the dominant is interested and experienced in helping to overcome fears and phobias, working through hard limits can be very empowering.

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What Everyone Ought to Know About Finding and Managing Limits

When you are brand new to anything related to BDSM it is likely that you will not know many of your limits and that's okay. Make sure you are prepared to share that information if you want to play, but also to stop as soon as you think you've reached a limit.

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How To Ask for More Without Being a Pushy Submissive

Submissive or not; once you've learned how to communicate effectively don't settle for less.

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Sub Drop Madness - Submissive Meditation Monday

I've been there. I know how it hurts, how frustrated you feel.

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BDSM and Kids: Handling the Role of Parent and Submissive

When you’re a parent, the switch between roles is more frequent and more exhausting. It’s important to realize, though, that it’s normal, and with a few tips and tricks, you can handle the transitions between submissive life and parenting life.

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