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The Marketplace

An interesting development is that I had this urge to improve my own submission as I read about their struggles, even though I know this is complete fiction. I'm sure I'm not the only one, as all over the internet people are 'developing' training programs based on the books. Which I'm not sure I like, but whatever floats your boat, right?

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Why BDSM is Not D/s

BDSM and D/s. Some see it as the same, I seem them as two very different things. Here, I plan on explaining the how's and why's of my position. I am not seeking to change anyone's opinion, as you have a right to your own opinion, as I hope you will remember that I do also.

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What You Need To Know About Using Contracts to Negotiate a Relationship

In a D/s relationship, it is not unfamiliar to also draft a contract in which to declare your intentions with each other. These are not required, of course, and some people will proclaim the invalidity of these documents to anyone who will listen. I feel that the creation of a contract has some very useful and valuable importance to a growing relationship.

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Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of a Predator Dom/me Part 2

Once you start in training you have a better chance to evaluate your new Dom/me. Is the Dom creating a positive learning environment, or does s/he make you feel that you are constantly failing his/her orders? Was it really a newbie mistake, or is there a lack of training that is causing the failure? Submission can easily set up a feeling of need and dependency on the Dom/me.

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Beginning Domestic Service: How to Sew On a Button and other Simple Mending Tasks

Learning how to mend and patch is an age old skill that used to be second nature, but now it's a lot easier for people to go out and buy a new pair of jeans when they rip or a new sweater when you lose a button. Clothing has become more disposable. If you are looking for an economical approach to saving your favorite jeans or are comfortable with a needle and thread then learning simple mending will not only extend the life of your clothing but keep the money in your pocket.

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A Day in the Life: Pam

This is a guest post by Pam for the Day in the Life Series.

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What is Submission to You?

You can learn and grow in your own personal submission without the aide of someone else. I've seen it countless times. Prove to yourself that you have what it takes to be the best submissive you can be.

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7 Myths of Grieving and Understanding Your Responses to Death

I would like to talk about ground rules for grieving, myths of grief and loss, the uniqueness of each person’s grief and symptoms of grief.

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Domifriends: The Best of Both Worlds

In the Vanilla World, we refer to boyfriends and girlfriends and everyone understands what we’re talking about. If you’re not in a public D/s relationship, describing your Dom/me can be a bit challenging.

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Ethical BDSM Falls on Both Sides of the Slash

Each partner is responsible for making a relationship ethical. No matter what side of the slash you fall on.

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