If you are looking for some guidance and enjoy self reflection, this workbook could be the perfect resource for you. If you enjoy journal prompts or questions that require you to delve deep into yourself, this book has what you need to do just that.
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If you are looking for some guidance and enjoy self reflection, this workbook could be the perfect resource for you. If you enjoy journal prompts or questions that require you to delve deep into yourself, this book has what you need to do just that.
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The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.
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The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.
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If you’re brand new to BDSM or even if you’ve got a few years under your belt, it’s good to sit down and figure out what submission means for you and how it works in your dynamic. Once you know what you need as a submissive, you can work with your Dominant to make your D/s relationship exactly what you desire.
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If you’re brand new to BDSM or even if you’ve got a few years under your belt, it’s good to sit down and figure out what submission means for you and how it works in your dynamic. Once you know what you need as a submissive, you can work with your Dominant to make your D/s relationship exactly what you desire.
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Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.
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Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.
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So, you’ve discovered this great big world of BDSM and you just don’t know what to do now. Welcome! I suggest you start here in learning some of the vocabulary you’ll find around the internet and I want to help you get your head around all the things you’ll encounter, just a bit at a time.
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So, you’ve discovered this great big world of BDSM and you just don’t know what to do now. Welcome! I suggest you start here in learning some of the vocabulary you’ll find around the internet and I want to help you get your head around all the things you’ll encounter, just a bit at a time.
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There are slaves of all types and I never even gave a thought to my definition after meeting countless slaves and learning about them. My definition still stood for me. And that's why I decided I could never be a slave. I couldn't ever live up to the narrow and difficult road I had painted for a slave. But that's slowly changing.
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There are slaves of all types and I never even gave a thought to my definition after meeting countless slaves and learning about them. My definition still stood for me. And that's why I decided I could never be a slave. I couldn't ever live up to the narrow and difficult road I had painted for a slave. But that's slowly changing.
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You are worth it. No matter what sort of submissive you are, you have potential to excel in everything you put your mind to. All it requires is three simple steps and you will be well on your way to realizing your potential.
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You are worth it. No matter what sort of submissive you are, you have potential to excel in everything you put your mind to. All it requires is three simple steps and you will be well on your way to realizing your potential.
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When you visit this site, I don't expect you to have all the information you need to make educated responses, or to know what to do first, second and next. It's a process.
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When you visit this site, I don't expect you to have all the information you need to make educated responses, or to know what to do first, second and next. It's a process.
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What is the difference between a good journal prompt and a bad one? Learn how you too can use journal prompts to better your life and help you grow in submission.
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What is the difference between a good journal prompt and a bad one? Learn how you too can use journal prompts to better your life and help you grow in submission.
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Learning what you might like or dislike is a challenge, but not one you can’t face with the right tools. In this article, I’m going to cover what types of limits there are and then three ways you can begin to figure out what your own limits are no matter how new you are to BDSM.
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Learning what you might like or dislike is a challenge, but not one you can’t face with the right tools. In this article, I’m going to cover what types of limits there are and then three ways you can begin to figure out what your own limits are no matter how new you are to BDSM.
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