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The Many Layers of Sub Space

Whatever information you encounter there is only one truth. You can reach sub space and if you have any experience at all, then you probably have and just don't know what it was called. So let's start small.

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The Impact of Velcro Collars on the Symbolism and Value of Collars in D/s Relationships

To submissives, a collar is one of the most important things they have. It is a symbol of their commitment, their service and their adoration of a special someone. In most situations, the offering or begging of a collar is not taken lightly. The weight of the matter could mean a lifetime of service, the same importance of engagement or marriage and strict adherence to rules and behaviors. However, just as there are people who go through mates like tissues, there are submissives and Dominants alike that use Velcro collars. These collars have practically no meaning to them and they hand them out or give them back without so much as a blink of the eye.

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It's Not Over Until The Fat Lady Sings AKA The Ending Of A D/s Relationship

In a nutshell, my submission had gone stale and moldy like a piece of bread that had fallen between the fridge and the sink. At this point it also really sunk in that I was not a failure as a submissive and it was going to be okay.

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What Do You Do When Top Drop Rules Your Relationship?

He saw my eagerness and it scared him. He had seen it before. He saw my willingness to a poly relationship and it petrified him. You see he had accomplished his dream relationship before me and it had crumbled because of others. I scared him because I was the dream again.

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Massage as Ritual

It can be a hand rub, a back rub or a full body massage. The ritual part is that it's done regularly and with reverence to the act. It becomes a special moment in time for you and your partner. You get to absorb yourself in your service and they get to receive a relaxing massage.

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Submissive Advent - Day 15: Our Needs Reclaimed

Being submissive, we often forget that our needs are important and may even push them aside so that we can focus only on pleasing our Dominant partners.

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Help! Stress Makes My Submissive Drive Crash

When my stress level hits a peak I break down. I was just curious if this is something that other subs go through? If so, what have they found that seems to work?

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Fun Things from February's Little Chat

Specifically for this chat, I created a couple of documents to share and because I think they’re awesome(I may be a little biased here), I wanted to share them with everyone else who didn’t get the chance to attend the chat.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 27- Brain Dump: Shaking Off Toxic Emotions

Submissive Journaling isn't all neat and orderly, it can be a huge mess of emotions that you just have to get off your chest right that instant. And that's where a brain dump comes in.

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