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An Exercise to Help You Distinguish Between Wants and Needs

When we discuss basics, the needs are food, clothing and shelter, but what about relationships? When you enter into a relationship you have needs to be fulfilled also. These could be love, attention, and affection. In a D/s relationship these could also be rules, structure, discipline and many others.

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Sub v. Slave: A Second Opinion

To me there is quite a difference between being submissive and a slave. A submissive retains the power over themselves and their body. Many are not going to agree with me on this. I don't feel that discipline, true discipline should be put in place with a sub. If a submissive still has power over themselves then how can they really mess up to the point of punishment outside of play. Slaves on the other hand, particularly those who live it 24/7 sometimes need punishment just for the sake of training, being kept in line and as a reminder of their place.

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Acronyms, Abbreviations and Initialisms in BDSM Conversation

Oftentimes instead of writing out the words we abbreviate or create acronyms or groups of initials to say the same thing. Here is a list of the more common letter groupings when it comes to talking about BDSM and submission. These could also be seen in profiles and dating sites.

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Enhance Your Sex and BDSM Play with Rituals in the Bedroom

If you've ever thought that ritual and meditation was for full-time submissives only or those in committed relationships then you haven't broadened your thinking enough. It's not just the full-time "lifestyle" submissives that can benefit from rituals, rules, and protocols in their lives. Submissives that dabble in the bedroom only have a lot they can do to enhance their experience in play and sex with their partner.

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Five Reasons Why You Shouldn't Manipulate Your Vanilla Man into Being a Dominant

People often misunderstand how relationship communication works because they may have had such poor examples or think that coercing or manipulating someone is par for the course.

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So You Want to Share Your Kink with Your Vanilla Partner - What You Need to Know

I want my partner to be Dominant/submissive but I’m afraid they’ll judge me or leave me if I tell them.

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Stop Comparing Yourself With Others - My Submission Isn't Better Than Yours

I know being competitive is a part of human nature, but the constant comparison of yourself to others doesn’t do anyone, especially you any good.

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I Need More Rules, But I Don't Know What to Suggest

I told my Dom I needed more to do, as far rules, responsibilities etc.. what are some good things for me to do?

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Learning to Appreciate the Small Moments - Submissive Meditation Monday

Everyone has time in their lives where things don't feel like they are going their way at all. It can drag you down or you can search for the positive.

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Exposed! 5 Myths of BDSM You Should Know

It’s time to debunk the most common myths surrounding BDSM, clearing up all the shades of gray once and for all! Here we go—no safety word needed!

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