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Showing 791 to 800 of 1479.

Expectations of a Collar: How Ready Are You to Accept One?

When do you know you are ready for a collar? What's the value in a collar really? And how can you get one?

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RACK(Risk Aware Concensual Kink): A Realistic Alternative to SSC

If you have ever tried to explain what we do to someone that doesn't have any familiarity you will probably use these very standards to stand up to your descriptions. An alternative, but one that is even hard for some BDSM practitioners to embrace is called RACK. It stands for Risk Aware Consensual Kink. The only thing that the two safety standards have in common is the consensuality of it.

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Submitting Is Not Without Personal Responsibility

A common mistake that many submissives make is to assume that giving up control also means giving up the responsibility to themselves and to the situation. A submissive shares equal responsibility for any consequences - good or bad - that occur as a result of consensual play or activities.

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Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns

There is no wonder why so many people recommend this book as one of the first books for someone just starting out in BDSM. It has everything you could wish for in a complete overview of BDSM book.

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Managing Depression as a Submissive and How Your Dominant Can Help

Everyone has gone through bouts of depression at one time or another. For some, it's practically debilitating and others can handle it in stride without much of a bat of the eyelashes. I recently recovered from a long time depression with the help of medications and my Dominant's caring. It's never an easy process, but being reminded that your submission is still desired can help.

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BDSM Books You Can Get on Kindle

Books are a wonderful way to learn on your own about BDSM, submission, sex and all the other activities you can explore. But who wants to carry a BDSM book onto the bus? Kindle (and other readers) are an excellent way to hide your book choices and still bring them all with you.

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The Top 7 Posts of 2012 on Submissive Guide

I'd like to showcase several of these posts from the last year of Submissive Guide.

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How To Tell A Dominant That You Are Not Interested In Them

Okay so some of you are thinking, why would you bother with courtesies when the messages you received didn't have any? I'm going to tell you that you need to be the better person. You need to treat them as you wish to be treated even if they don't reciprocate. Let me be clear. I'm hoping you'll learn to be a positive influence in your own life and have as few regrets as possible. Treating someone poorly when a little sugar does the same thing is not a very decent thing to do and not something a prospective or current partner would want.

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Understanding Vocal and Nonvocal Safe Words for Safe Play

When the intensity of activities go up it's not uncommon for tops and bottoms alike to lose the ability to communicate clearly. So, something developed to help us is safewords.

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