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Showing 601 to 610 of 1479.

The Importance of Consent in D/s Negotiation

Consent and Negotiation are probably something that we think about but don’t really acknowledge daily. It is important none the less to think about and address in a Dominant/submissive relationship.

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Know Your Manners when Visiting D/s Friends

Accepting an invitation to visit friends that are into BDSM or the lifestyle can lead to a wonderful experience and the development of close friends. That is if you keep yourself aware of house rules and relationship dynamics.

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Carte Blanche - Repeating Misbehavior Patterns

I'm going to talk about a submissive's mindset when it comes to repeat patterns in behavior and why we just can't keep our feet on the straight and narrow.

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Are Female Dominants More About Mental Dominance Than Physical Dominance?

Since I’m writing from the male submissive point of view, I suppose this question might also be asked as, “Is male submission more mental than physical?” I find the question, no matter how you parse it, to be interesting largely because it’s something I never really considered before. I suppose the implied idea is that the female dominants somehow exert their control vis-à-vis more cerebral or psychological means whereas the men tend toward more physical means.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech Series Wrap Up

This concludes the series with a look back at what was covered and some last minute thoughts.

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Start Reading “Conquer Me” for Submissive Guide’s First Ever Book Club Event!

Every Friday I will present you with a guidepost and questions that you can answer to help with your understanding and progress through the book.

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Free Fall Cleaning Lists

danae of put together free downloadable and printable Fall cleaning lists

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Under the Microscope: Analyzing What You Read About BDSM for the Truth

You can understand more of what you read and apply only what will work for your situation while discarding the rest - without being overly critical.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 7: Selecting a Physical Journal

How do you know what kind of journal will suit you best? Figure out what you need to have to make your journaling experience pleasant. I've done all the legwork for you.

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