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Showing 611 to 620 of 1479.

Stereotyping Submission as Feminine

Does being a submissive inherently mean you are feminine? This, of course, could work in a male Dominant/female submissive dynamic, but then again not always the case. What about relationships where the female is the Dominant? Do they suddenly become masculine?

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Why the Word 'Training' Confuses Novice Submissives

The word 'training' is a stumbling block for many novices and experienced submissives alike. The reason for this is that so many define training as the organized learning of behavior and activities in structured sessions or steps and that once complete, your training is complete. Let's dispel that myth right now. Submissive and slave training is not set up this way. It is far far different.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 2: Standing at Attention

One of the most common ways you can present yourself as submissive to a Dominant is by the way you stand. You may do it now even though you don't have any specific rules as to how to stand. Pay attention next time you are standing by your Dominant.

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Sluts: Debunking Another BDSM Myth

BDSM offers a key to unlock the slutty soul. Our sluts are people who mature to a level of sexual freedom with dignity and ethics. Sexual feelings find expression instead of suppression. The body, mind and soul find comfort in sexual intimacy that flows to and from their partners.To be called a slut is often compliment in the BDSM world.

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Single in the Scene VII: The Unaccompanied slave

Attending an event as a free slave doesn't have to be a point of anxiety.

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The Best Books for a Novice Submissive

There are a lot of books out there related to BDSM and being a novice submissive.

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What Does a Dom Mean When He Says, "You Need Training"

When a Dominant tells you that you need training, what does he really mean?

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Is There Love in BDSM Relationships?

What stands out most to me as we approach Valentine's Day is the ways that we have love and romance built right into our relationship system. BDSM relationships can be filled with extraordinary displays of love.

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Reciprocity: Expectations of Transparency of the Dominant

Is it okay for the D-type to withhold information from their s-type?

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Uprooting Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Learning How to Make Changes that Stick

After so many years of living a certain way under repeated cycles of self-sabotage, can one make changes? Is it possible to unlearn more destructive habits and learn how to implement thinking and behavior that will instead nurture a budding or existing relationship? Yes!

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