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How To Find Someone to Play With at a Party and Other Negotiation Basics

One of the more daunting prospects as a single kinky person or someone who is open to casual play is approaching others at a play party with whom you might be interested playing. It’s often called pick up play because you are simply trying to pick someone up for the purpose of play. Whether you are a top or a bottom, the cold approach is scary. But there is help!

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Beyond the Kink Buffet: When You’re Ready for a Lifetime Partner

Perhaps you have reached that point where casual, noncommittal involvement no longer addresses your needs. There is a growing desire for one strong relationship, with someone who will know everything about you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It is a terrifying prospect.

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How I Identify as Monogamous in a Poly Dynamic

It's not an easy road, but I've chosen monogamy in a poly dynamic.

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Your Kink is Not My Kink and That's Okay

Just because your kinks are things I'm not remotely interested in doesn't mean we can't stand on common ground. It's okay to be different and yet be friends. People do it all the time.

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You Tattooed What on Your Ass? - Rational Thinking about Relationship Tattoos

We have to live with ourselves and understand that being in the lifestyle doesn't make us dumb or up for anything anyone wants us to do. We have outside lives, families and jobs that we have to show up for. So when thinking about that slave tattoo, slut on your right butt cheek or a dildo wrapped around your leg tattoo remember how do you want to represent yourself to the world.

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The Balance of Responsibility in a D/s Relationship

With all BDSM relationships varying so dramatically, it's hard to make a general assumption on who bears the burden of responsibility. It's important to embrace the responsibilities you do have and to act with great diligence when performing those duties.

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How to Serve a Self-Sufficient Dominant

It's far harder to serve a self-sufficient Dominant because they want to do everything themselves. It is not impossible though.

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Everything I Know About Submission I Learned from my Cat

The other day I was watching my cats and had a sudden realization that they way they live could have lessons for me and my submission if I wanted to see them. The truth is that you can pick up lessons everywhere you look if you want to.

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My Partner Is Hanging On to an Old Relationship

It is very difficult to lead somebody. Exponentially so when she answers to another.

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31 Days to Submissive Journaling - Day 14: Finding Your Voice

Finding your voice is a lot like finding your inner muse. Kallista helps you with solid, proven steps to make your words strong and express your personality on your blog.

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