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Showing 581 to 590 of 1479.

Review: The Big Workbook for Submissives

If you are looking for some guidance and enjoy self reflection, this workbook could be the perfect resource for you. If you enjoy journal prompts or questions that require you to delve deep into yourself, this book has what you need to do just that.

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Recommended Reading for New Submissives

The following is a list of books that I recommend for every novice submissive. The links lead you to Amazon if you are interested in buying the books. Part of your purchase goes towards supporting this site and my efforts at continuing to bring you content on this site.

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Applying mentoring to a BDSM context a mentor is someone that guides and advises a newbie on what to expect, things they might want learn and other items. I believe a mentor should be on the same level as you. There are many opinions out there, but common sense advice can be found in the following series of articles about mentors.

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3 Challenges of Having Rules in a D/s Relationship

Three challenges that come about after rules are selected and you are practicing them or have had them for a long time.

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Juggling Daily Life and Submission

There are days you feel that there aren't enough hours in the day and you haven't even had time to say hello to your Dominant let alone serve him as you'd like to. How is it really possible that all the stories you hear about submission really happen? Are they living in a vacuum?

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Faith - A Personal Journey with Blyss

I tend to get disgusted because the control freak in me wants to believe that it’s done everything in such a manner that there is no need to start over; ergo there’s no need for me to reach a low, especially a new low in life (yes, I said control freak). But even in those moments, throughout my life there’s been something in me, an urge or compulsion, a drive that rests in the background… That’s where my faith resides in that ‘something’. But what happens when I’m disconnected from it?

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A Day in the Life: Pam

This is a guest post by Pam for the Day in the Life Series.

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Dressing the Part - What to Wear at BDSM Community Functions

For new people and established ones alike, deciding what to wear to an event can be an adventure in fun, in stress or in dread. But even someone who loves to get dressed to go out can face moments of uncertainty when it comes to planning an outfit for the evening.

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Don't I Know You From Somewhere? - Encountering People You Know at a Munch

You might be recognized. That's right, there just might be someone there that you know from your life at these things. And that puts lead in so many boots. It doesn't have to be that way if you know how you want to handle that before you step out the door.

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You're Not the Boss of Me! Empowerment Through Submission

Even though I am not currently in a D/s relationship, it’s important for me to always remember that I don’t have to submit to anyone.

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