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Content related to "New to D/s Relationships? Here’s Your Foolproof Guide to Starting Out – Part 2"


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Service Submission

Service. It’s something that a lot of submissive say they are into giving. While it’s quite clear that the definition means that we are helping or doing work for someone, performing a kindness or favor, when we apply that term to D/s it tends to take on a more indepth role. Let’s explore some of the ways service submission exists in D/s relationships.

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Are Relationships Not Worth Working On? How a Recent Challenge Brought Out The Disposable Relationship Mentality

The lack of effort in relationships is a startling reality in today's gotta-have-it-now society. Perhaps I'm old school or old fashioned but what I'm seeing in today's society, and not just the BDSM culture, is the lack of effort in relationships. As I was raised I was taught that something worthwhile wasn't always easy to achieve and you may have to work hard to get it.

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5 Ways to Make Long Distance Relationships Work For You

Long-distance relationships (LDR) of any sort have always had negative press reviews and I'm sure all of us have heard the, "they never work" response at some point in time. Lifestyle LDR has even more negative connotations as people harp on the inability to fully submit/dominate from a distance. I'm here to tell you that they can work. They have worked. You just have to make it work. Anything worth having is never easy to achieve and both parties have to really want it.

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Is Submission a Need?

The issue is I feel like I have a need to submit. It's not just fun for me; I crave it on every aspect, not just sexually. Is this normal? How can I explain to my girlfriend that our sporadic play is fun, but I need more rules and structure?

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8 Ways You Might Be a "Doormat" Submissive and How to Stop

Let's not confuse the traits of a loving, unselfish and sacrificing submissive with a doormat. Here are some questions you must ask yourself.

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So You Want to Share Your Kink with Your Vanilla Partner - What You Need to Know

I want my partner to be Dominant/submissive but I’m afraid they’ll judge me or leave me if I tell them.

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Connecting With Your Dominant While They Are Away

Things you can do to feel closer to your Dominant and help fuel the connection you have when they can not be with you.

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A Grieving Dominant and a Submissive's Needs

My Dom/Master/Daddy of many years has recently suffered a loss of a child. We've become distant.

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The Benefits of Orgasm Control and How to Get Started

Learn about orgasm control and how to get started adding it to your own sexual exchanges!

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The Role Sex Plays in a D/s Relationship

Sex and how we've learned about sex can form our own opinions about how sexual D/s forms in our lives and how we respond to it. The emphasis of sex in a D/s relationship comes about in a variety of forms and is only limited by your imagination. What role does it play in your relationship?

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