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A Complete Guide to BDSM Collars

A collar for submissives is one of the most fundamental symbols of their relationship and one that is usually gaurded and protected with their heart. With all the essays online about collars I thought I’d jump in with my own take on what everyone says and believes about collars.

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Cyber Submission and Exploring D/s Online

Online D/s is perhaps one of the most controversial subjects in the Dominance and submission community. The stance i will take on this subject, based on online D/s relationships of my own, is that yes; it can and does work. Is it anything like real time, face-to-face Dominance and submission relationships? No, not at all. That said, it is still very real and intense for those of us in online or Long Distance Relationships (LDR), and often can and will lead to a real-time (RT) relationship.

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What's The Big Deal With BDSM Checklists?

For a novice submissive exploring SM, a checklist can open up a world of fantasies or scare you right back into your light kink and rough sex. Checklists are not meant to scare you or overwhelm you, but I've seen lists that are more like lists of all sorts of rare fetishes and extreme play that only a few ever explore. Why you would want or need that on a novice checklist is beyond me.

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Do Bottoms Have a Bad Rap Among Submissives?

When we think of bottoms or have interactions with bottoms, there are many negative connotations that come to mind.

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Is It Possible to Live as a Slave 24/7?

The best I can hope for each day, every day is to serve Him faithfully and to the best of my abilities and to love Him unconditionally. I don't lose sight of my place with Him, and we manage a 24/7 lifestyle just fine.

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How to Safely Manage Sub Frenzy

How to manage sub frenzy so that it leaves you smarter, stronger and more prepared to handle the rush.

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Why Identifying Your Wants and Needs is So Important as a Novice Submissive

Understanding your needs and how important certain ones in your life is a key component to finally reaching happiness and fulfillment.

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A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs

The transition to 24/7 D/s turned out to be much more challenging for us.

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Under the Microscope: Analyzing What You Read About BDSM for the Truth

You can understand more of what you read and apply only what will work for your situation while discarding the rest - without being overly critical.

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Transitioning From Monogamy to Ethical Non-Monogamy

This is written as a bode of encouragement to those who are struggling in moving from a monogamous relationship to a non-monogamous one.

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