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An Exercise to Help You Distinguish Between Wants and Needs

When we discuss basics, the needs are food, clothing and shelter, but what about relationships? When you enter into a relationship you have needs to be fulfilled also. These could be love, attention, and affection. In a D/s relationship these could also be rules, structure, discipline and many others.

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Service Skills: Helping Your Owner with Deadlines

My owner frequently forgets his own deadlines, rules, etc, be them for me or for his own things. how do I help him without being a nag? I have tried setting up calendars, but he forgets to look at them.

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Service Submission

Service. It’s something that a lot of submissive say they are into giving. While it’s quite clear that the definition means that we are helping or doing work for someone, performing a kindness or favor, when we apply that term to D/s it tends to take on a more indepth role. Let’s explore some of the ways service submission exists in D/s relationships.

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BDSM Myths

The world is full of false truths. These false truths tend to be the assumptions of the uninformed or the beliefs of those who want to scare novices out of their wits. Many of these are because of a narrow view of the world or an inability to accept varying viewpoints. In this series, you’ll find some of the most popular BDSM myths that novices hear and what the truth really is.

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Improving Your Submission - Accepting Punishment

Accepting punishment gracefully when you are in a Discipline Dynamic takes practice (but not too much practice!) In this video, you'll learn the steps to making punishment go as smoothly as possible for you.

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Know Your Manners when Visiting D/s Friends

Accepting an invitation to visit friends that are into BDSM or the lifestyle can lead to a wonderful experience and the development of close friends. That is if you keep yourself aware of house rules and relationship dynamics.

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Handling Absence in a Long Distance Relationship

The reality of long-distance relationships, or any non-live-in relationship, is that you will have to handle periods of absence. It's a painful and bitter reminder that you are not together and that your desires for each other have to go unquenched. But that doesn't mean you can't get through them with a few coping techniques.

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Solo Coaching - The CREATE Model

Today I'm going to cover a coaching model that I learned about that will work quite well for our submissive journey. It's called the CREATE model. The CREATE system is a model that when used will ensure you stay on track

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Submitting While One of You is Sick

One of the strangest full time submitting challenges that I’ve found is dealing with your role as a submissive when either you or your Dom is ill. So how do you cope when one of you is ill?

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3 Ways You Can Learn About Your Limits When You Are New to BDSM

Learning what you might like or dislike is a challenge, but not one you can’t face with the right tools. In this article, I’m going to cover what types of limits there are and then three ways you can begin to figure out what your own limits are no matter how new you are to BDSM.

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