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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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The False Comfort of Labels on Our Personal Identity in Kink

We allow ourselves to become trapped within the created labels of others we are essentially accepting an external level of control or entrapment. Becoming comfortable and accepting of yourself is when you will find your personal strength and internal peace.

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Preparing Your Body for Service: Your Bathing Routine

You may have been bathing yourself since you were 5 or 6, but if you haven't changed your bathing routine since then, you may want to consider growing up and learning an adult way to bathe. Each person may have cleaning preferences and this is to be just a guideline and recommendation for bathing and grooming. Preparing your body for your dominant partner is a basic requirement that will amaze and delight them, besides a clean body makes you feel good too.

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The Novelty of Slash Speak in Online Submission

Slash speak is a protocol established by online dominants for their submissives to decern who's on top and who's on the bottom. It's said to be a form of respect for those online.

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Handling Absence in a Long Distance Relationship

The reality of long-distance relationships, or any non-live-in relationship, is that you will have to handle periods of absence. It's a painful and bitter reminder that you are not together and that your desires for each other have to go unquenched. But that doesn't mean you can't get through them with a few coping techniques.

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What a Pain: Does Pain Tolerance Change Over Time?

Tolerance will grow in time, and will change. Most of the fun in exploring bdsm is in trying new things together, nobody can have everything thrown at them on day one.

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How Giving a Blowjob Has Taught Me That Service and Pleasure Are One

I used to hate giving blow jobs. But now I can say that I actually enjoy them.

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You Can't Be Little All the Time: Learning Appropriate Public Behavior as a Little

Being little in a public setting brings up the question of public consent. Do the people around you – apart from those who know you and understand your little side – consent to witnessing the public display of your kink?

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There's No Size Limitation to Being Kinky

You do not have to be skinny to be accepted or to embrace submission. BDSM does not have a maximum size limit (or a minimum for that matter). Be you!

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Sexual Compromise: When You're Only A Little Horny

Sometimes I want to be horny, or I am physically horny but my mind isn’t into it. In these situations, I have to find a workaround to get myself where I personally want to be.

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Obedience: A Covenant of Submission

My obedience is my word; it is my bond; it is my reputation; it is my name. There truly is no submission for us without obedience; this is how we show we are who and what we say we are. I would like to share a few pearls/pointers gleaned.

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