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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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An Exercise to Help You Distinguish Between Wants and Needs

When we discuss basics, the needs are food, clothing and shelter, but what about relationships? When you enter into a relationship you have needs to be fulfilled also. These could be love, attention, and affection. In a D/s relationship these could also be rules, structure, discipline and many others.

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Protocols: a Variety of Views

If you are curious about protocol I'd recommend this compilation. It has everything you'd want to know and maybe some you wouldn't think to learn.

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A Lesson in Control with Self-Punishment

Every submissive I know, including myself, hate to get into trouble, but it's going to happen. We have to admit that there will be times of backsliding, pushing limits and general disobedience in our learning. It's a part of growth. Don't think of punishment as something bad, but as something to help us grow inward.

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Is It Submission If You Like What You're Doing?

Over on, kaya asked about submission and what qualifies it as submission. She asked, "if you are not expected to do things that you don't like, can it be submission?" Can activities that you would do normally become submission just by someone telling you to do them, or being directed to perform them?

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Fantastic Submissive Videos for Learning and Growth on Kink Academy

If you can't get out to munches in your community or conventions held around the world the next best thing is a website focused on kink education. I have nothing but praise for Kink Academy and the quality educators and topics that they cover on Kink Academy.

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Fifty Shades of Grey, Consent and the Media's Representation of Kink

Unfortunately, the 50 Shades of Grey series is the litmus test that the mainstream media will now use to judge what those of us in the community consider to be a huge part of who we are.

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Safewords During Disciplinary Punishment: Yay or Nay?

My opinion on whether safewords should be allowed during punishment (for misbehavior).

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How to Tell When That Online Training Dom is a Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

While it's a small few, there are people who can threaten your sense of trust and your own emotions. These are the wolves of the online D/s world.

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The Art of Apology: Receiving an Apology

Saying the wrong thing after someone has apologized to you can make the person apologize feel like you’re dismissing their attempt to make things right between the pair of you.

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BDSM and Kids: How Your Kink May Change Over the Years

like a non-kinky relationship, your desire for and ability to have sex will change through the different stages of parenting. Don’t worry or freak out. Realize this is normal, and if you’re determined to enjoy as much kink as possible, get creative and be patient with yourself and your partner.

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