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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


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Solo-Coaching: Learning From Failure - It's A Good Thing

Sometimes, failing becomes debilitating. As a submissive, we will make mistakes, and how we deal with those mistakes will show us if we intend to grow or flounder. You aren't defined by your mistakes, but by your effort. Keep trying; it's in the number of times you were willing to try that you succeed.

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How to Learn What You Want and Need in a D/s Relationship

Submissives all over seem to know what they want out of a relationship; it's always present in their minds. The play, the sex, the love or strictness of dominance. Wants are very valid to the happiness in your life, but more important are the needs. When you think of needs, the list seems to come harder and people struggle more with defining what they really need.

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How To Use Mind Mapping To Pinpoint Your Ideal Submission

There are 3 things I'd like to focus on in this post. What your ideal relationship is, the structure you'd like to have and the level of protocol you dream of having. This works for kinky bedroom relationships and also full-time dynamics. Get out pen and paper because what we are going to do is make a map of our ideal relationship.

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Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 1

If you’re a new submissive this lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. A submissive I know terms it ‘the new submissive smell’. Dom/mes sense ‘new blood’, and swarm like piranhas to interact with, play with or train the new submissive in the group. Dom/mes may contact you online or meet you at a munch. They are covered with impressive or threatening names: Sir Snod of Grass or Master Whackyourass. With no experience, how can you tell if they are someone you can trust? The answer is information!

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The Heartache of a Breakup: Recovering from a BDSM Relationship Ending

There are five steps you can do to help ease you through this hard time and come out the other side with new hope, treasured memories and valuable experience. Let me walk you through each of these and we'll see if it doesn't work a little magic on your torn heart.

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Massage as Ritual

It can be a hand rub, a back rub or a full body massage. The ritual part is that it's done regularly and with reverence to the act. It becomes a special moment in time for you and your partner. You get to absorb yourself in your service and they get to receive a relaxing massage.

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Solo Coaching - Ask Yourself the Right Questions

To bring about lasting change you need to get into the habit of asking yourself the right questions. The best submissives know how to ask these questions on a regular basis so that they can grow and develop in their journey.

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We all Stumble - Submissive Meditation Monday

It can come upon us suddenly. That realization that you've backslid in your journey.

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Always Getting in Trouble - Submissive Meditation Monday

It seems that no matter how long you've been doing this thing we call submission, there are times of rebellion, confusion, frustration and just not getting it right.

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Feeling Like a Parrot: Saying What He Wants to Hear Instead of a Sincere Response

Do you feel like a parrot when your Dominant asks you to respond in a specific way after a request is given? Learn how to discuss this issue with your partner and work to come to an agreement.

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