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What is Transactional Service?

When I first think of transactional service I think of a business transaction. Someone pays you for a service and you provide that service. Transactional service for the submissive is very much the same. You do something for your Dominant and in return you get something.

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What is Situational Service?

Situational service encompasses what I called conditional service. You serve only when presented with a specific set of circumstances, thus the situation is perfect for your service. This could be that you only submit on the weekends, or that you serve best when directed to do x, y and z.

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Solo Coaching - Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Working on a Positive Point of View

Did you know that how you see the world isn't what makes your life positive or negative, it's how you interpret your life's events that can turn the glass half full to half empty? Your skill in interpreting events and experiences for better or worse lies in your hands.

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10 Tips to Calm Your Nerves When Meeting a Dominant for the First Time

The nervous energy attached to meeting a Dominant for the first time doesn’t go away for everyone. If you know a few tips and ways to calm your nerves before the big date, you’ll feel relaxed and ready to put your best foot forward.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 2 - Oxytocin

Meet Oxytocin, the human bonding hormone, and natural relationship superglue.

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Always Striving to be a Perfect Submissive Leaves You Less of Yourself - Here's Why

I think there are a couple of good reasons people strive for perfection, but what we tend to forget is that if we are constantly doing that we can never truly enjoy where we are at any point.

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Figure Out What to Expect From a Relationship Before Entering a Relationship

How do I figure out exactly what it is that I expect in a BDSM relationship?

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How to Tell If You Are With a Dominant or Just a Bossy Dick

I've spent some time trying to muster up a list of identifying features of Dominants and Jerks just to see what I can come up with. Hopefully, they can help you identify why you may be miserable with the partner you are currently with.

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Defining Sub Space

Mistress Steel breaks down the many levels of subspace, as she sees them, and how to navigate them in play.

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What Should I Try Next: Like Bondage? Try Mummification!

If you enjoy bondage, whether it is trying out under the bed restraints, basic rope ties, or other means of being tied, consider looking into mummification. Mummification is using plastic wrap, medical tape, body bags, or other materials to completely restrict and immobilize the body.

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