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Content related to "Journaling in Submission"


Showing 1191 to 1200 of 1502.

Finding Balance in Your D/s Dynamic (and Your Life!)

Balance is mostly about feeling fulfilled but not overwhelmed. It feels like the dynamic can live in harmony with the other aspects of daily life. How that is achieved will vary based on the wishes of those involved in the dynamic.

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The Big Book for Littles by Penny Barber

The Big Book for Littles is really great for those who are new and exploring the little or age play dynamic. This review is a quick analysis and shares why you too should pick up this book if you or your partner identify as a little.

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Finding Your Spirituality In Service

Religion and spirituality have a connection but they don't have to be connected. When you believe in a structured religion it generally means you have a spirituality about it. But when you are spiritual, that doesn't mean you are connected to religion. Does that make sense?

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How to Use Playtime Check Ins Wisely

Whether you are playing with your partner or someone new, learning how to give good information during a check in is vital to your enjoyment and comfort. I am going to explain what a check in might look or sound like and what information to provide that will be best received and used.

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What is the "Spirit of the Rule"

So, what is the Spirit of the Rule? It is the underlying foundation of the rule. The reason the rule exists.

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How to Use FetLife to Broaden Your BDSM Learning

I'd like to walk you through the ways that I use to find information and continue my learning with FetLife.

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Keep Your Voice: Your Rights as a Submissive

Here are some plain, matter of fact words of advice for new submissives. Don't let Hollywood form your thoughts, get the real information!

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Self-Esteem/Grooming Series Concludes: Accepting Comments and Compliments

Simply put, our ability to graciously accept compliments, and to positively disregard negative comments, can tailor the way that people interact with us.

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How Sub Space Affects Sexual Sensations During Play

What we can all agree on is that subspace alters your senses during play. I'm going to talk about why orgasms fail to happen during subspace and the very tiny minority that can achieve orgasm during subspace.

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What To Do When You’re Unhappy in Your D/s Relationship

How to effect change when your D/s relationship leaves your unfulfilled, confused and miserable starts with communication. But Kayla has more advice for you if that doesn't work.

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