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How to Choose the Right BDSM Collar

If you’ve ever bought a collar or necklace online because the picture was beautiful only to hate it once you put it on, you’re not alone. When we say we can help you find the “right” BDSM collar -- we mean the right one for you.

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How to Ask for Play and Why It's So Hard For Submissives To Do

For many of us, coming out and saying we want play feels like we are topping from the bottom, stepping out of our submissive boundaries and doing something that isn't in our character. But I'm here to tell you that it isn't.

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Can We Move to 24/7 D/s Even If We Have Issues?

How and where can we start advancing our relationship with the many challenges we have?

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How to Initiate Play and Sex While Remaining Submissive

I’m not sure how to show him that I want to be everything he wants me to be. How do I as a sub, instigate, without begging?

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Learning To Be a 24/7 Submissive Is Like...

You practice, adapt and learn what works for you and discard the things that don't. If you apply it to your everyday life, make it a part of you and don't consider it an on/off switch, then you too can be 24/7.

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Opening the Relationship When It's Already Rocky

Opening up an already unstable relationship is hard for everyone.

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Help! I Can't Wear My Collar at Work

What do I do if I can't wear my collar at work?

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Submissive Journals: Bullet/Analogue Journal Review

Developed by Ryder Carroll, the idea of analog/bullet journaling is kind of elegant in its simplicity. You have one notebook. Everything goes in that notebook. So what can you put in it that's related to submission?

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9 Books on BDSM and D/s I've Read More Than Once (They're THAT Good!)

You have to admit that the books that resonate with you the most, are ones you've read more than once. Here's my list of 9 of the best BDSM and D/s related books that I've pulled off the shelf time and time again.

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Am I Submissive?

So, you want me to tell you how you can tell if you are submissive or not? Asking someone else if you are submissive is like asking a blind man what color your dress is. Is there some magical online quiz that can say whether you are submissive or slave? Unfortunately no and I don't think I'd listen to the results of one if it existed either. Submission isn't something you can find in a self-help book or a therapist. Submission is a calling.

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