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Nurtured or Natural: The Connection Between Submission and Childhood Abuse

Is the desire to be submissive natural or is it part of the way you were brought up? Especially when there was abuse involved. Those internal radars go off and want to blame the abuse for how you live your life now. I can’t say that I have the global answer, but I do have my answer. That seems good enough for me.

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Serving and Submission after an Abusive History

Having been in the lifestyle for almost two years now, one of the things that I have noticed is that I am facing a lot of issues due to abuse from my past. Not from any Dominant in the lifestyle, just from others in my past. I've learned enough that if you have similar past experiences, I'd like to share some of it with you.

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Where Do I Start in BDSM?

It's an overwhelming feeling when you are facing a world of new information. It can be difficult when you have so many questions and blanks in your mind but give me a moment to explain how you can begin to fill in the void.

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Everything I Know About Submission I Learned from my Cat

The other day I was watching my cats and had a sudden realization that they way they live could have lessons for me and my submission if I wanted to see them. The truth is that you can pick up lessons everywhere you look if you want to.

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How to Be Responsive During Play Without Being Demanding

You walk a tightrope of topping from the bottom and being a good receptive bottom when you learn how to be responsive during play.

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I'm New to BDSM, Where Do I Find Information?

Knowing where to start can be difficult when you don't know a whole lot about BDSM.

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Submitting in a Long Distance Relationship: Missing You

This article serves as a fanatic sayonara to the one aspect of my long distance relationship that I shall never miss: dealing with my partner’s absence.

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Keep Your Voice: Your Rights as a Submissive

Here are some plain, matter of fact words of advice for new submissives. Don't let Hollywood form your thoughts, get the real information!

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Submissive Myths: Submission is a Result of Childhood Abuse

If a human being at some point in their childhood becomes the focus of physical and/or sexual abuse does this then turn them into a submissive at some later point in their lives?

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Self-Esteem and Unsolicited Advice - Submissive Meditation Monday

How's your self-esteem? Do you feel good about the person looking back at you from the mirror? If not, you are not alone. I understand. I am one of you.

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