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Content related to "Service: There’s an App for that!"


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3 Ways You Can Be Emotionally Supportive of Your Dominant

While good dominants generally are tremendously supportive and create a foundation upon which their submissives can thrive, it is not counter to the dominant role for a dominant to be supported when they need it. Dominants do a lot for us. They deserve support, too.

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Do Bottoms Have a Bad Rap Among Submissives?

When we think of bottoms or have interactions with bottoms, there are many negative connotations that come to mind.

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How to Be More Aware of Your Self and Surroundings to Improve Your Submission

In this hustle and bustle world, we are losing an important connection. No, I'm not talking about the internet; we are all plugged and tuned out from the world around us. We seldom recognize the people around us let alone acknowledge them. If your goal is to be a submissive that serves every wish of your Dominant, sometimes before they know they need or want something you have to unplug and relearn a vital personal trait. You have to become more aware of what's around you.

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A Mentor is Not Your Dom: Learning How to Connect with Experienced People For Submissive Development

If a Dominant approaches you and offers to be your mentor, make sure you clarify with them what you expect from them and for your own sake, keep it platonic. Your personal growth will be much improved and when that perfect Dominant comes along you'll be ready.

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The Curse of Masochism

I very very often HATE that I’m a masochist.

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Perspectives: Rope Bondage

Playing with rope is one of the first things that I was exposed to when I discovered kink. To me it was safe and tame and something that didn’t scream kinky freak to me. Besides that I didn’t know what I was doing, the person that I chose to introduce me to a bit of rope did and it was a fantastic first experience all around.

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How to Turn Your Submissive Experience Into Education for Your Dominant

Ways that a submissive can teach without worrying about "being Dominant" in order for the education to happen and also ways that a submissive could take on education and share that knowledge with their Dominant as a part of their service.

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How Giving a Blowjob Has Taught Me That Service and Pleasure Are One

I used to hate giving blow jobs. But now I can say that I actually enjoy them.

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How to Keep Yourself From Being Overwhelmed in a Service Dynamic

Service in a power exchange dynamic can be a very intense and involved experience, especially when you’re in a 24/7 dynamic and “always on.”

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9 Books on BDSM and D/s I've Read More Than Once (They're THAT Good!)

You have to admit that the books that resonate with you the most, are ones you've read more than once. Here's my list of 9 of the best BDSM and D/s related books that I've pulled off the shelf time and time again.

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