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Solo-Coaching: Learning From Failure - It's A Good Thing

Sometimes, failing becomes debilitating. As a submissive, we will make mistakes, and how we deal with those mistakes will show us if we intend to grow or flounder. You aren't defined by your mistakes, but by your effort. Keep trying; it's in the number of times you were willing to try that you succeed.

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Emotional Dependency in D/s Relationships

This necessary attachment can develop into a positive reinforcing factor in the relationship or it can lead to a one-sided worship of one of the partners that can fracture the foundation.

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A Slave Uniform - What's It Look Like?

KnyghtMare and I test out a slave uniform. What's it like?

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I Need More Rules, But I Don't Know What to Suggest

I told my Dom I needed more to do, as far rules, responsibilities etc.. what are some good things for me to do?

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Submission in Gratitude

There is so much to be thankful for and this year, as I look back, I see the amazing abundance that comes to us in various ways, but I also find myself appreciative and grateful for the opportunity to have learned (and keep learning) about Dominance and submission.

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A Personal Story About Discovering and Testing Limits

Discovering limits is almost as innocuous and confusing as exploring the kinks and fetishes we do want to play with.

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A Simple Act of Submission Isn't Always So Simple

Submission is about doing what is asked or ordered of me, without question, whether it’s something I really want to do or not.

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Submitting when Physically and Emotionally Exhausted

A lot of submissives work demanding jobs and then come home to submit. The challenge is that you are exhausted and need the down time in order to be able to serve.

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‘Innocently’ Outing Fellow Lifestylers

Be mindful of the information you know about someone else that's kinky. Sometimes, things can seem so very innocuous that information can ‘slip’ out casually – we may innocently drop in the ears of others. The fact is they either teeter on outing someone or can flat-out out someone.

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