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Review: The Big Workbook for Submissives

If you are looking for some guidance and enjoy self reflection, this workbook could be the perfect resource for you. If you enjoy journal prompts or questions that require you to delve deep into yourself, this book has what you need to do just that.

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The Concept of Ritual in D/s Relationships

What makes ritual different from habit? What is a ritual at its core? And how can we conceptualize it? Such questions can fuel hours of discussion, reflection, and of course, cogitation.

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The Submissive Advent Calendar

The Advent is the time in anticipation for Christmas and is celebrated in some religious circles, but also carries a secular following. Advent translated means “the coming.” I’m sure everyone has seen the cardboard calendars with little doors and chocolate inside; to be opened one a day until Christmas Day.

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Reminder: Asking For What You Want Is Not Overstepping Your Place

As a part of my development Master trained me to be transparent with my feelings and wants and needs. This included the very things that I wanted or needed that I thought he should be deciding on. If I wanted to go to the store for something I had to learn to ask him for it. If I wanted a kiss or attention, or if I wanted sex; I had to learn to ask for it. There are ways to ask for something that doesn't seem demanding or controlling and I had to work on learning these traits to a request.

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Psychological Aspects of Consensual Rape in BDSM Scenarios

"Consensual rape." Quite an oxymoron, I suppose. Rape, by definition, is sexual intercourse in which one party is unwilling and unwanting of the attention and act. A consensual act is something quite contrary to that initial concept of rape. A consensual act is one in which all parties are in agreement as to the parameters, activities, and boundaries of said act. How then, does the term "consensual rape" have any validity at all?

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Having Enough Love for More than Just One Partner

Being in a polyamorous relationship is about sharing my entire being with someone else other than just Daddy. Yes, being in a polyamorous relationship isn’t easy and takes a lot of work, but if all people involved are willing to make the relationship work, then it can work.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 2 - Oxytocin

Meet Oxytocin, the human bonding hormone, and natural relationship superglue.

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I'm So Clumsy! Is There Anything I Can Do?

I would love to know if there is anything my master can do for me and if there is anything I can do for myself to help me stop being so clumsy.

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On Being Pansexual

I am pansexual. I love people. And my lust is unrestricted.

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Things Have Changed and I Feel Insecure In My Relationship

Advice for a submissive who is feeling lost and insecure in their relationship when the sex life changes. Kayla tackles this really difficult topic.

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