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Novice Submissives Start Here

Newness doesn’t last long, so enjoy it. Love the exploration, the learning, the desires that seem to creep into every waking moment and fill every dream. Explore this collection of basics to your new submissive journey and pick up some much needed confidence that you are ready to take steps into the world of D/s.

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Topping from the Bottom

Topping from the bottom is a misunderstood term in BDSM, especially if you are a novice. Topping from the bottom is when you simultaneously adopt both roles. This could be in the form of giving commands, refusing requests or moving to control the location of impacts during play. Generally, it is frowned upon to try to force the Dominant’s hand to do something they do not wish to do.

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Exploring submission play can involve intense sensation. Subspace is a mental and physical response to the high levels of endorphins produced during play. Described as similar to a runner’s high this is a good feeling and one to be enjoyed if you ever get there.

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When Is It Okay to Top From the Bottom?

Topping from the bottom has been given a bad wrap. It's considered by many to be a faux pax for any submissive. Online communities shun and shame many people who even ask about the subject and want to know if what they did was considered wrong. Too many people tell these people that yes it was wrong even if it really isn't. Today I'd like to tell you that there are a few perfectly valid situations where topping from the bottom is not only necessary but welcome. That's right, the fear of topping from the bottom doesn't have to bring fear to the heart of a submissive.

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Run Don’t Walk: Warning Signs of A Predator Dom/me Part 1

If you’re a new submissive this lifestyle may seem overwhelming at first. A submissive I know terms it ‘the new submissive smell’. Dom/mes sense ‘new blood’, and swarm like piranhas to interact with, play with or train the new submissive in the group. Dom/mes may contact you online or meet you at a munch. They are covered with impressive or threatening names: Sir Snod of Grass or Master Whackyourass. With no experience, how can you tell if they are someone you can trust? The answer is information!

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Establishing a Safe, Trusting Environment for Talk

Let's cover what a safe environment looks like from the people present at the physical location you choose to talk in. A good environment takes planning and mutual agreements to work the way it's supposed to. And you thought that you just had to say, "We need to talk," right?

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Faith - A Personal Journey with Blyss

I tend to get disgusted because the control freak in me wants to believe that it’s done everything in such a manner that there is no need to start over; ergo there’s no need for me to reach a low, especially a new low in life (yes, I said control freak). But even in those moments, throughout my life there’s been something in me, an urge or compulsion, a drive that rests in the background… That’s where my faith resides in that ‘something’. But what happens when I’m disconnected from it?

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What's That Sound? Discreet BDSM Play and Hiding Toys from Children

Taking precautions when it comes to the noises that can come from play when you have kids in the home.

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How to Navigate D/s with Family Around

Perhaps one of the most challenging decisions we face as a parent is what we should tell our children, when and how much.

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Altered Mental States

The human mind is vulnerable to suggestion. Within the BDSM community, there is a strong underlying foundation for voluntarily focused enthrallment.

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