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What Do Female Dominants Desire in a Male Submissive?

Do dominant women like this, that or the other thing? Unfortunately, there is no one set of ideal submissive traits that can be emulated. Indeed, if you ask these questions of twenty different Dominas, you’ll get at least twenty different answers. Each Dominant has her own idea of what makes a perfect submissive or slave. Some like youth and physical fitness, others like maturity and experience, tall or short, eloquent or not-so-much, pain slut or light-weight, sissy or not, emotive or the strong/silent type… well, as you can imagine, that list goes on and on. The problem, as I see it, is that too many (prospective) submissives get bogged down in trivial matters when they should be focusing on simple truth and sincerity.

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For Consent to Count…ASSENT Has to Matter

I've been following an epic thread on consent for months now, watching sadly as many of the comments devolve into dangerously magical thinking and wishing somebody would speak up, and say "Whoa. There's a point at which personal responsibility comes into play here."

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BDSM Myths

The world is full of false truths. These false truths tend to be the assumptions of the uninformed or the beliefs of those who want to scare novices out of their wits. Many of these are because of a narrow view of the world or an inability to accept varying viewpoints. In this series, you’ll find some of the most popular BDSM myths that novices hear and what the truth really is.

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Separating Fantasy from Reality - Using Erotic Novels to Find Truth

Fantasies are great lived and relived in our minds but there comes a time when our desire to experience what we've read is strong. Make sure you have all the facts and place yourself firmly in reality before you try to explore them. It will mean a safer more enjoyable time for you and your partner.

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What Do I Do While I Wait for a Response from My Long Distance Dominant?

What do I do with myself when I'm waiting for my Master to respond to my messages?

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Two Bodies Revolving Around a Core: The Slow Dance of a BDSM Long-Distance Relationship

We live in a world where some of us living on the planet are lucky enough to have access to the technology that makes the distance seem tiny.

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The Importance of Being Your Own Person

Being a submissive is a huge part of who you are, but it’s not all you are. It can be easy to lose yourself in the relationship and your submission. It’s important to be your own person as well.

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It's Not Just The Size That Matters: Playing With an Uncircumcised Penis

Handling an intact penis is different from a cut one, that’s for sure. Here’s what I’ve picked up from the number of penis’ I’ve had intimate connection with a time or two.

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Sexual Injury From Fisting - Should We Try Again?

Scared to have sex after a previous severe injury - Kayla gives this reader some advice.

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A Personal First: Bootblacki​ng and Boot Worship

I won't bore you with the step by step details of what I did. However, what is of key importance for this writing is what I felt. I was extremely focused, calm even. There was an intense feeling of determination. My understanding being that I was contributing to Sir's uniform; his appearance; and I wanted him to look sharp!

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