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Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are still relationships that require a different approach to develop the same connection and intimacy. Sure, the physical contact is far less than a face to face relationship but for some people, a long distance relationship is a smart first step or only step if you are unable to explore BDSM in any other way.

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Improving Your Submission - Your Support System

A lot of the goals we set for ourselves can be reached without outside support, but others work so much better when we have people cheering us on, keeping us accountable and just being there when frustration comes up. Establishing a support system is in your best interest.

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The Novelty of Slash Speak in Online Submission

Slash speak is a protocol established by online dominants for their submissives to decern who's on top and who's on the bottom. It's said to be a form of respect for those online.

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Should You Tell Your Friends about Your Kinky Interests?

Approaching your friends with something as private and sensitive as your sexual interests or lifestyle ideas maybe a decision you have to make sooner or later the further you get into your kinky habits. Your friends are your support system in all other ways of your life, but are they able to handle the new information you are thinking about giving them? Can you live with yourself if you lose said friend because they think you are too 'out there'?

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The Need for Speed - The Desperation of Some Dominants

Why some ill-experienced Dominants only seek novice submissives and how you can protect yourself from them.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: Create a Butler's Book For Stress-Free Entertaining

What to include in your own Butler's book for entertaining, so that each guest will have an amazing time and you can showcase your best hostess skills.

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How to Tell When That Online Training Dom is a Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

While it's a small few, there are people who can threaten your sense of trust and your own emotions. These are the wolves of the online D/s world.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 21: Your First Blog Post

You’ve made the decision that you’re going to keep a blog, you’ve picked your host, you’ve designed your site, and now it comes down to the writing. But what in the world do you write? I'll give you all the details.

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A Lesson on The Importance of Online Safety from Kitty Thomas' "Tender Mercies"

There are a lot of risks that comes with meeting people online. Tequilarose shares a lesson she picked up from reading "Tender Mercies" by Kitty Thomas about online safety and abusive situations.

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Don't Judge A Label By Its Cover: Dispelling Stereotypes of D/s Roles

Personality traits do no indicate what label that person may wear in D/s or BDSM. Learn more ways we apply stereotypes and how to dispel your mistruths.

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