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Love, Honour and Obey: thisgirl's Getting Married!

I did not really want to wait when I realized how much I wanted to belong to him. I proposed to him. Well proposed the idea of him collaring me.

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How Masturbation Changed in My D/s Relationship

For my and probably many of your relationships, orgasms are probably the first thing your Dominant wants to control. Masturbation becomes a shared event; even if it just means you have to tell them when you do it. I have to ask to have orgasms as they 'don't belong to me' anymore.

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Embarrassment vs. Humiliation - One Opinion

fuzzyP breaks down what he sees as the differences in embarrassment and humiliation. Do you agree with his assessment?

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The Impact of Pregnancy on Submission: Service and Play

When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that crossed my mind was "oh no! How will my service be affected? How will my ability to be pleasing in bed and in kink be affected?" I was surprised when (at least for the first few months) that the answer was "It was not affected at all."

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How To Tell A Dominant That You Are Not Interested In Them

Okay so some of you are thinking, why would you bother with courtesies when the messages you received didn't have any? I'm going to tell you that you need to be the better person. You need to treat them as you wish to be treated even if they don't reciprocate. Let me be clear. I'm hoping you'll learn to be a positive influence in your own life and have as few regrets as possible. Treating someone poorly when a little sugar does the same thing is not a very decent thing to do and not something a prospective or current partner would want.

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Submissive vs. Slave

Mistress Steel tackles the submissive vs slave debate. Core differences and misconceptions are revealed.

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To Have Children Or Not, Now THAT is a Question

This post is more about the D/s decisions surrounding children that have come to my attention through requests for advice and by reading discussions on forums. Below are my personal opinions about these topics and anything I say here should be weighed against your own morals and beliefs. Make your own decisions about your life.

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A Slave Uniform - What's It Look Like?

KnyghtMare and I test out a slave uniform. What's it like?

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How Can I Learn to Speak More Respectfully?

Are there any steps or things I can do to speak more respectfully to Him?

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Tips For Those Struggling to Enter the Local BDSM Community

I understand. You don't know anybody there. There are about a bajillion worst case scenarios that your brain has conjured up ever since you first desired to head out into the local community.

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