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Newsflash: Feeding His Dominance Is Not Topping From Below

Oftentimes, with novice submissives, it is assumed that showing any sort of desire for something that was not suggested by the Dominant would be topping from the bottom. Let me tell you now, having desires and asking for them to be fulfilled is not topping from the bottom.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 4: How to Gracefully Rise From The Floor

If you've ever watched Memoirs of a Geisha you have seen how graceful it can be to rise from the floor, appealing and smooth to go from the floor to a standing position. We are going to try to do that today.

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Adult Children of Alcoholics and Submission

Reading Dr. Jan’s book really opened my eyes, and it is my hope that by sharing this information, those who relate can begin to work through some of these traits and break out of the binds of the past and explore the future where anything is possible. I would personally recommend talking to your Dominant about this and decide upon what the next step will be. A few things to remember is that you can do it, you can get help, and you are not alone.

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Solo Coaching - Schedule Meetings With Yourself

We are going to work on developing quality time for the most important person in your life, you. Once it's written in your schedule it gives it greater importance.

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Single In the Scene Part VIII: Transformation Happens

I had to learn that if I’m doing the surrender journey right, a transformation is gonna happen, plain and simple!

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How Do I Know If I Can I Make it In This Lifestyle?

Please help because we have a one of a kind love for each other that I don’t want to lose but the constant power struggle between us is exhausting. I want to come to a compromise that we’re both happy with.

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How I Help Our Finances Without Knowing the Numbers

I don't need to know the numbers to know that if we aren't eating out, the shopping list stays short, and we aren’t wasting the food that we are buying.

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Help! Stress Makes My Submissive Drive Crash

When my stress level hits a peak I break down. I was just curious if this is something that other subs go through? If so, what have they found that seems to work?

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Submissive Mythology: The Good Submissive

All forms of submission are unique and personal expressions of your best self. You can take lessons and go through training to learn how to be a better you.

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Busyness, Why Do We Think It Adds Value?

I've come to see that oftentimes we slaves measure our value as slaves according to the accomplishments of other slaves and attempt to match the productivity level of other slaves that we look up to.

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