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Exploring Play and Punishment in a Long Distance Relationship

Playing by yourself (at the behest of your Dominant) requires a great deal of self-restraint and self-discipline. So how do you have play time when you’re in a long-distance relationship?

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Dominance as a Slave Training Tool for Better Submission

Your Dominant is still a valuable tool for slave training and we can use them as a tool for our own development. Take the rules and orders they give us, how do they mold us if we are also seeking a deeper level of submission.

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Is It Submission If You Like What You're Doing?

Over on, kaya asked about submission and what qualifies it as submission. She asked, "if you are not expected to do things that you don't like, can it be submission?" Can activities that you would do normally become submission just by someone telling you to do them, or being directed to perform them?

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The 6 Most Common STDs

Everytime we talk about sex and sexually related activities such as many of the BDSM and kinky play we do it's important, if not imperative, that we are safe and aware of the most common sexually transmitted diseases and infections you can get. You should have tests for STDs regularly if you choose to have multiple partners, or if you are changing partners. Maintaining a clean bill of sexual health will provide yourself and your partner(s) with reassurance and safety. Even though you may be disease free does not mean you shouldn't practice safe sex. If you need a refresher, check the previous post on safer kinky sex practices.

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DIY: How to Make a Duct Tape Flogger

I was inspired by another blogger who posted that they had made a flogger out of duct tape (blog now defunct). I could do that! And I did.

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The Best-selling Items on Amazon According to What Our Readers Are Buying

Today I spent some time digging into the purchases of BDSM books and have compiled the following breakdown of best selling books and some odds and ends that surprised us.

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Start Reading “Conquer Me” for Submissive Guide’s First Ever Book Club Event!

Every Friday I will present you with a guidepost and questions that you can answer to help with your understanding and progress through the book.

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A Day in the Life - Autumn

Autumn's tale of a typical day in her life. This is part of the Day in the Life series here on the site where you too can share your typical day with other submissives.

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Life as a Submissive with Chronic Pain

Here are some things about living life in beautiful, fulfilling power exchange alongside a big helping of constant pain.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling – Day 4: What Can a Journal Do for My Submissive Development?

Let's do an activity to figure out how a personal journal can help you in your submissive development.

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