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6 Qualities of Mindful Submission When Communicating With Our Partners

Communication is not the sexiest word a submissive can utter, but it’s one of the most necessary. Whether we like it or not, it is squarely our responsibility to communicate those needs to the dominants who care for us.

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3 Ways You Can Be Emotionally Supportive of Your Dominant

While good dominants generally are tremendously supportive and create a foundation upon which their submissives can thrive, it is not counter to the dominant role for a dominant to be supported when they need it. Dominants do a lot for us. They deserve support, too.

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What Does It Mean to be Collared?

What does it mean to be collared? It can mean many things to many different people. For some it is a new beginning in a journey. For others it is a step in the training process. It all depends on the Dominant you are with. For every Dominant has a different way of doing things.

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Letting Go: How to Let Go of the Past and Be a Happy Submissive

I’m here to tell you that it is possible to let that past go and not let it impact you any more. I’m learning how and I want to share what I’m learning with you so that you too can lift the past and free your future.

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5 Ways to Make Long Distance Relationships Work For You

Long-distance relationships (LDR) of any sort have always had negative press reviews and I'm sure all of us have heard the, "they never work" response at some point in time. Lifestyle LDR has even more negative connotations as people harp on the inability to fully submit/dominate from a distance. I'm here to tell you that they can work. They have worked. You just have to make it work. Anything worth having is never easy to achieve and both parties have to really want it.

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Setting Realistic Goals to Realize Your Dreams

Every goal we want to set requires three things to have a chance at working. We need the right time in our lives, planning and follow through. Lack just one of these things and we will not reach those dreams of ours.

So, you may be wondering why I'm covering this topic on a submissive newsletter. Every day I set goals for myself; be more obedient, remember to reply to requests and commands appropriately, research a certain topic to better understand it, practice my stretching so that I can be more flexible, etc. All of these things are to improve my submission. Hopefully you are setting small goals for yourself too. At the end of this essay, I'd like to challenge you to set a few goals for yourself and your submission. Let's see some wonderful changes in you!

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How Far Should You Go On a First Date?

My first dates ran the gamut of things you can do and should do and definitely should not do. I do hope that my suggestions and advice will give you some ideas and a solid foundation to start from.

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Getting My Home Together - A Cleaning and Organizing Purge

It is so easy to become overwhelmed and let the “little things” slide. Don’t let your home get to that point, and if you do, blitz it, call over friends, get it clean and give yourself a hard deadline.

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6 Important Activities to Include in Your Aftercare Routine

For as important as after care is, it’s really easy to overlook or misinterpret what your aftercare routine should consist of, regardless of the scenes you’re practicing. Here are six easy activities you can add to your routine for smoother transitions after scenes.

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Finding Your Dominant: Dating when BDSM is Something You Need

Some great tips for getting started searching for a compatible partner when BDSM is a need in your life.

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