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D/s Breakups

The breakup of a relationship is a difficult time for those involved. It is fraught with emotion and frustration. It makes it even more painful when the lines of trust are cemented like those in a D/s relationship. Likened to going through a period of grief you are sure to experience an array of feelings that can vary from fear, anger, rage, and denial. Seek comfort and help in the following articles.

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How to Use Role Play to Spice Up Your Sex Life

A lot of what we do can classify itself under role-playing. In fact D/s is a form of role-play. For many people it is just a character they don to play or have some kinky fun; it's not a part of their personality. The idea of role playing is taking on another persona other than yourself to enact that character. It can be short or long term.

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Am I Ready to Go from Online Submission to Real Life?

Online D/s is nothing like real time because on the internet you can suspend life. You are in a time bubble, just you and your partner. Chores, bills, family and other commitments rarely get in the way while you are online. Some submissives who start to rely on the internet for their D/s fix find that when they go away from the computer that they never realized how different it is. When you can say "I am ready" rather than "Am I ready?" it's time to step out into the world.

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Single in the Scene Part I: Boundaries

By setting our boundaries, we can ensure that we are navigating the ‘lifestyle’ waters as safely as possible. This is a personal responsibility that each of us have that is at its core about self preservation.

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Paralysis of Analysis: Over-thinking Your Submission

You become paralyzed in thought. Sometimes, that thought becomes so big and overwhelming, it can cause an interruption in daily living

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Life as a Submissive with Chronic Pain

Here are some things about living life in beautiful, fulfilling power exchange alongside a big helping of constant pain.

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How To Understand The Grief Process for a Dominant Who Passed Away

Your grief will take as long as it takes. Here are the five steps to the grief process and further support for grieving and loss.

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31 Days to Submissive Journaling - Day 14: Finding Your Voice

Finding your voice is a lot like finding your inner muse. Kallista helps you with solid, proven steps to make your words strong and express your personality on your blog.

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The Role Sex Plays in a D/s Relationship

Sex and how we've learned about sex can form our own opinions about how sexual D/s forms in our lives and how we respond to it. The emphasis of sex in a D/s relationship comes about in a variety of forms and is only limited by your imagination. What role does it play in your relationship?

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Write an Online BDSM Dating Profile That Gets Results!

I'll help you figure out what to have on your profile to help you get the attention you want and how to handle the attention you don't want.

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