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Showing 201 to 210 of 1486.

How To Perform a Self-Assessment Before You Search For a Dominant Partner

It's good to start forming an idea of who you are and what you are looking for before you start searching for a Dominant

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The Compleat Slave

This book is more than likely going to be of interest for any novice with under 6 months of experience under their belt or are still dating and getting nowhere. I believe that was his focus for this book anyway. Definitely a disappointing read for the experienced BDSM participant and not what I was expecting when I bought the book.

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M/s for the Rest of Us

An opinionated review of the book, M/s for the Rest of Us by KE Enzweiler.

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Halloween - A Good Time to Let Your Kink Out

When was the last time you saw an adult dressed up as a naughty school girl, nurse, biker or mad scientist? Why Halloween parties most likely! Did you ever stop to think about whether that person was just dressing in costume or portraying a playful kink of theirs? Sure we hear on the news of yet another young couple walking onto a public bus collared and leashed but most of us don't let your kinks out in public.

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What's In a Name? Selecting a Scene Name You Can Live With

Choosing a scene name is one thing if it is only ever going to be used online, but it takes a bit more thinking about if you are going to refer to yourself as it in real life as well or use it as an introduction point at a munch or something like 'I'm ********* on FetLife'

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Transitioning from Part Time to Full Time D/s: How to Work Through the Challenges

What I learned from my own efforts in transitioning and hopefully they will help you too if you choose to move your submission from the bedroom to more or from more to total surrender in a Master/slave relationship.

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Fear in Submission

Fear can be good, because it makes us take a moment and stop and think about what we’re about to do, especially when that thing we’re about to do is stepping out of our comfort zone. Making the decision to submit, is definitely one of those decisions.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 24 – Scene Reports: How they can Empower Your Playtime

A scene report is a written account of the who, what, when, where, why's of playtime. Explore why you might want to keep track of the scenes you've been in through journaling.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 29 - Social Networking Best Practices

Unlike regular blogging – writing long posts with photos – microblogging is meant to be quick, succinct, and pointed. Here are 5 tips to protect your online safety when using a social networking site.

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New to D/s Relationships? Here’s Your Foolproof Guide to Starting Out – Part 2

In part 2, you'll learn how to figure out what you need in a D/s relationship and what is expected of you within the blossoming relationship. It's all about what you want and need and getting as much of that as possible. Live happy. Don't settle.

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